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Isak Alexius

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  1. I bought my king song 16b as used, it has driven 2000km should I continue to use it or buy a new one/get a new motherboard
  2. I don't remember in what way it feels unstable just that it did, it had never happened to me before this.
  3. around 10C at that time so that was not a problem i heard no beeps or voice messages. I do not remember how fast i tried to accelerate i did like i use to
  4. Hey, i was riding home from school annd while riding i felt that the whell went unstable so i stoped and looked at the battery and it was around 30%. Then i turned it on and started accelerate when i hit around 20-25 km/h it stoped balancing me and i fell forward. I wonder if this has happened any of you. I broke both my hand and elbow
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