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    Seville Grove, Western Australia

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  1. Sorry but im still just a busy with my work but would love to go there...
  2. Kamon boys! Keep riding! i just finish today ride after work:
  3. Hi sorry but im flooded with work till next Monday so probably next week unless someone wanna go for late night ride subject weather cond.
  4. let me know when U wanna go there, i would like to try this trial
  5. was very nice ride, and nice chat with U Alan, hope next time we do circle around Thanks for today and let me know when U wanna go next time Tom: i will wake U up next time and U will go with us (i still got Ur number ? )
  6. I was thinking that i retire at 30... now im just a bit older and i almost retired 3 years ago but i think retirement is not for me, i will be working always, first becaus this have positive impact on me, second as im not enjoying what im doing but im enjoying that my work is fully adjustable and i dont need to ask anyone for day off, and third finally i think what not kill U it will make U stronge ? and sunrise is worth to get up early (ocasionally ?)
  7. Ok, thats good with me, i just must to figure out where to park my car. Should be suny day. Its more than 4 people who riding, i know sth else who riding inmotion (except Tom) and there is few more people who riding OW my arm is better everyday, they said that i need another 2-3months till my body adjust to new condition but its fully cured and i can do everything with it so i ready for crazy riding (Sunday and Monday i spent on skatepark in Beckenham) Tom: OW is great on off road but when is wet or is muddy its like wakebording on high speed - not much traction and supper slippery but i think because i have a vega gokart tire and this tyre react like that
  8. Alan: great! Where we gona meet? Or where U wanna park car, i was thinking maybe we park cars south perth close to katamaran hire and from that we can go? Tom: let me know what suiit U, but i can tell U the best ride is in erly morning - i did one few weeks ago at 7am along river up to city and comeback and was just amazing ride in plus everyone going to work and i enjoying my ride (i was working most of the night hehe so for me was a finish), hope we catch up soon Bart got a KS18L - next week i will go to his place to try ?
  9. Alan: i can be there at 9:30am and if distance will be less than 11km i will take my OW+ otherwise i will take my 9bot, what U riding? Tom: if wanna ride but cant make it i can come later to Ur place and we can give a go somewhere around Ur place, let me know what its Ur plan thanks!
  10. For me it does not matter where, but what time, i have a busy day but let me know time and i maybe able adjust
  11. Im happy to go with U. Im living in Seville Grove but almost evereyday im in applecross area and city so let me know when U wanna ride and i will try to find some free time between jobs marcin
  12. Sorry, i have been flooded with work and was riding occasionally in the late evening or early morning (5am)... im getting better, i should be fine in next 2-3 weeks, my arm still is sour and i can not lift over my head but that doesn't stop me from riding - both 9bot and OW and i had for couple days tesla to have fun (i borrowed from friend), anyway "what not kill me, make me stronger" P.S. Im riding now just a bit slower and im trying not go for any serious offroad till will be cure 100% (but temptation is very strong hehe)
  13. Hello everone. I had been busy with work plus 2 weeks ago i crash on my OneWheel (nose dive) and crack my left arm bone. Anyway im back with riding (both Ninebot and Onewheel) from last Thursday but i have to be carefull because i need 5-6 weeks to cure that bone. Lucky this time nothing serios and no scratches on my body - knee, elbow and hand motocros gloves works perfectly. So if anyone will be can to go let me know, im planning to do some riding in the city or somewhere around on Thursday or Wednesday arvo. Marcin
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