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  1. Thanks for the advice I will give soldering a try first. I have a bms on order so we will see if it works
  2. Kweld seems to get good reviews. But you need a car battery or super capacitor board and power supply
  3. I find that you need to get your calf pressed against the pad so the wheel is held vertical when weight is applied. Then don’t push off but press with the front of the foot and let the wheel pull you forward. Pushing off seems to make the wheel unbalanced.
  4. They are definitely spot welded onto the bms
  5. Sorry didn’t see Alcatraz post until I sent the last one. The bms on the v12 is spot welded to the cells I’m not sure how the others are connected but I will definitely need to split about 13 plates and re weld. I was going to try and use the original plates but weld in different spots than original. The next question is is it better to use a tiny drill to remove the spot weld (obviously being very careful not to penetrate a cell or cause any shorts, or lever them off and tear the weld. Has anyone tried this before? When I have done car (automobile) body work repairs in the past ii have used a flat ended drill to drill through the spot weld on one side to split the panel for replacement.
  6. @Julian-NZ have you looked at welders?
  7. Uk wanted v12 battery (Please delete if not allowed)
  8. Although this is an old post I am interested in rebuilding a pack or replacing the bms on my v12 I think the cells are ok they all measure 3.8-3.9v and 92.4v in total but the bms won’t wake up. So I’m thinking bms problem maybe. The bms is available on Aliexpress for £145 and a new battery is over £700. But although I am quite technical I have never played with batteries so any guidance would be good. Thanks Glynn
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