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  1. Thanks for this. I took a really detailed look at the V11 based on your advice, but the outdated air suspension is unfortunately a dealbreaker for me. All reports indicate that it just doesn't stack up to the suspension on more modern wheels. Currently leaning towards the KingSong S22 Pro, with perhaps a few aftermarket mods and changing the tyre out for something more road-oriented. Now the only difficulty is where to buy it - the only authorized distributor here (EUC Warehouse) seems completely hopeless.
  2. Understood. Really appreciate all the advice, everything you've mentioned is useful for a newbie but hard to find, at least in the places I've been looking. One more question if I can - does the weight of an EUC affect comfort and/or stability? Forget the schlepping it around aspect, I'm only talking about in-motion handling characteristics. E.g. is a heavier EUC generally more stable (with perhaps a trade-off of less nimble/agile?), simply because of momentum or inertia? Or does it make little to no difference?
  3. Life as a digital nomad expat here is incredible. There are some downsides (as with any country really, and if it was perfect it'd become too crowded.... and then wouldn't be perfect any more ) but for my current position in life every day is more amazing than the last. Also very useful advice, and something I hadn't considered - it hasn't come up at all in any of the "beginner's guide" reading I've done to date. Thanks again. Any particular recommendations? Can I just grab e.g. a Pirelli or Michelin motorcycle tire with the right diameter and aspect ratio and bung it on, or is it more complicated than that?
  4. Lol, nice pun. Unfortunately that sort of logical reasoning just doesn't work here. The society in general is much 'free-er' with very few rules constraining what you can do with your life and how you do it. However, when there ARE rules they're often enforced with brutal rigor, especially by lower level workers that aren't granted much in the way of autonomy. A typical mall guard is paid around $10-$15 USD a day, they're not going to risk their jobs letting a foreigner track something in that may get them in trouble later from some petty bureaucrat in management. Just easier to say no to one random guy, instead of saying yes and potentially getting in strife with their supervisor. It's just how it works. This is great advice, I hadn't thought of taking the 'disassembly review' angle to get ideas on maintenance and servicing. Perfectly obvious in hindsight, like so many good ideas are. Thanks heaps.
  5. Suspension wheels - got it, that makes sense. "Choosing carefully" or "choosing the one I like best" are difficult propositions though, as I have no way of objectively judging what's good or bad and have to rely on the experiences of others. Which is the reason I made the post in the first place In the plethora of choices available, are there any in particular that stand out in terms of stability and reliability? Where do I go to get a reasonable comparative analysis on the pros/cons of each of these wheels? RE trolleying the wheel inside - I suspect the guards at a lot of malls will not look kindly on me trucking in a wheel with road dirt and dust all over it, and spreading it inside on their shiny clean mall floors. Unfortunately.
  6. About me - 5'8", 180lbs, 44yrs old. Ex-athlete, but not fit any more. Moderate lower back pain. Work from home, so not a commuter. Just looking at an EUC for fun, maybe the odd day out here or there with a motorcycling group. No stairs to worry about, but would want to be able to lock up the EUC securely in e.g. a mall car park if possible. I've never ridden an EUC before, and have only taken a friends OneWheel for a spin a small handful of times. So, virtually no experience with these vehicles. Roads here in the Philippines are notoriously poorly constructed and maintained - potholes, cracks, gouges, blow-ups, ravels, etc are very very common. I'd encounter dozens of such just getting from my place to the main road a couple of miles away. Top speeds for most roads here are ~40mph (mostly on national highways), and far less than that for suburban roads. The key criteria is something that will handle the bumps and cracks with as much comfort and stability as possible, and is also durable / reliable / low-maintenance. Top speed and range aren't particularly important, >60 miles would be nice but not a dealbreaker. Availability of parts in the Philippines, or at least in Asia in a pinch, is a big consideration. I'd have to do any servicing work myself, since I'm not remotely close to the capital. Cost is not really a factor, happy to spend $$$$ for the right EUC for my situation. With all of that.... what would y'all recommend?
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