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David S

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    las vegas
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    ks 18xl

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  1. I was on 1.21 when it happened. Jason shipped me a new control board and its working again now, I upgraded to 1.22 after
  2. Harvard the way you described what happened to you sounds exactly like mine. Opening up the wheel causes a liltle anxiety for me as i'm not really good at all that stuff. I was able to open it up to change a tire tube a few weeks ago, I'm assuming to access everything else i need to open it up more than that?
  3. I opened it up and looked around. I didn't smell anything burning but it had time to cool down before i opened it up.
  4. I was riding my wheel and walked in to a store and was unable to power it off. the lights stayed on but would not allow me to switch it off, it also wasn't on as it wasnt reacting to leaning. a few minutes later the motor turned on for a second but then the wheel shut completely off. everything is off now and it won't turn on. Also I wasn't even able to tow it as something seemed to be resisting being pushed. Anyone know a solution to this?
  5. I was able to ride it instantly though i wasn't anywhere near complete control right away. The first time i stepped on it I was able to ride it out, took a liltle bit of time to learn to turn effortlessly and jumped off it a few times which caused it to fly around on its own. After about 2 days of short use I was very comfortable. I often walk my energetic labrador retreiver on it, and learning how to control him on it took much longer. At first i didnt know how to stop him if he ran faster than its max speed which would force me to either jump off the solowheel or let go of his leech. I worked for cirque du soliel for a decade though so things like this are very natural to me.
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