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  1. thanks for all the responses ladies and gentleman. the kiwano was purchased as more of a fun for the kids to ride around neighborhood... it seems really cool but unfortunate it broke and durability is a huge question mark. i did email the 3rd party reseller to see if there is anything they can do (fix, etc.) - haven't heard back but i assume since the company itself is completely gone, that the unit is probably worthless at this point. the only 'silver lining' i suppose is that i purchased the unit at clearance, sounds like it may have been one of the last in stock (no longer available) - it was $380.. a lot of the other EUC's that you've all recommended are easily double/triple that price !! thanks again all - have a wonderful NEW YEAR!
  2. yes, it sounds like we're SOL :(... i tried opening up the K01+ via the pics above, similar process, but sounds like some damage to the board itself and you're right - not sure a regular repair person would even have the parts for this; i guess i could check and see if I CAN sell this one for parts (everything is new except for the cracked screen .. doh!!!)
  3. i've been trying to find out anything i can on the kiwano k01+; and came across this post. i purchased one for my son for christmas (just opened today), it accidentally crashed into a wall and the screen was busted - it still turns on but just beeps; the screen lights up but since it is broken, nothing is legible. i'm wondering, since this thread is relatively new, if there is any one out there that can help fix this? would a scooter electrician be able to fix this... the kiwano facebook and website seem to be dead; if you go to the kiwano website right now, the only product that is selling is a PS5 charger (yes, super random). and since i purchased this from a 3rd party via amazon, i don't think i'll have any luck with the reseller. thoughts anyone?! kid is heart broken, lesson learned but hoping someone may have some idea on how to get this potentially fixed... even if we wanted to get a new one; it definitely looks like this product is discontinued and we won't be able to get it anywhere else...
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