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  • Location
    Victoria, BC
  • EUC
    Tesla V2

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  1. Good to know. I'm counting down the days until it arrives. It's been held up at customs in Vancouver.
  2. There is a very good chance that was me, haha. I live in esquimalt and take that route often. I know it's late but I only discovered eucs exist like two weeks ago. Haven't been able to do anything but watch videos about them and fantasize. I can't concentrate at work right now because I'm thinking about euc!
  3. Hey guys, new rider here. My Tesla will hopefully be coming in in the next week or two. In the meantime, I am absolutely DYING to get on the road and learn to ride. I've ridden analogue unicycles for years so hopefully some of that balance translates over. This is a long shot, but does anyone in town have an old, beat up EUC they don't use anymore that they would let me borrow to learn on? I know there's an element of unsureness with lending something like this to a stranger, but my intentions are just to practice until my own EUC comes in, after which I will return it to you. We can talk collateral if you want. If not, no big deal! I'll wait (impatiently) for my wheel to come in.
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