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Fine motor skills vs EUC injuries

Bob Eisenman

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We've all had our falls with various sprains or worse. We can't seem to wait to get up on the machine again despite the injuries to ourselves.

A local library frequently displays art work produced by local artists. The displays are always worth a quick look.

Given the enjoyment that local artists contribute via creation and display of their work, are we forgetting about something when we attempt to convince local authorities that our machines pose no threat to people or to the community values parents arrive to maintain for their impressionable kids?

Do we as riders of the EUC isolate our misfortunes (if any) from taking spills from others for more selfish reasons of enjoyment than 'it's better than walking' ?






I'm getting older each day. My knees always get so sore after a long ride that the next day they remind me of their tender tissue connections. My wrists don't hurt because I have not fallen for weeks but the thought of riding sore still lingers sometimes as the terrain below me is less that smooth or crumbly or slick.

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Just when I thought I'd seen everything that you'll see on an EUC I stumbled (yesterday) across (literally) a paraplegic poodle suspended from a hindquarters support frame as it's owner walked it by its front legs. As soon as the dog assist contraption came into view on the rail trail that was about twice wide as I stand tall I knew it would be trouble. The poor pooch (full sized) hung awkwardly twisted a bit to the side from the sling and was not moving, instead sort of parked by the trail side with its loving owner.

The design of the support device was unusually wide and triangular, occupying at least half of the trail width. As I slowed to a slow roll, rather than walking, I began to pass into the remaining space before the EUC slipped out from under me on slippery mud just beyond the pooch. The EUC fell to its side beeping and I choreographed another awkward dismount on one foot as I said to the owner 'happens all the time'. The pooches owner seemed unhassled and replied 'kinda slippery there'. The pooch never flinched and probably can't.



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