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Ancient Egyptian DNA vs Modern Egyptian DNA

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Recently a science report based on genome and mitochondrial DNA sequences from Egytian mummies was published. Really old DNA requires a certain amount of special treatment for sequencing as compared to 'fresh DNA' but the methods required are well established and have been used in the sequencing of Neanderthal DNA found in teeth or 'remains associated' cave soil.      

The conclusion of the recent report says that modern European DNA is more sub Saharan than the sequenced DNA from 150 or so mummified remains from hundreds of years BC and that modern Egytian DNA contains significant sub Saharan (SNPs) obtained from the last several hundred years AD.


"Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant. Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians.

The researchers say that there was probably a pulse of sub-Saharan African DNA into Egypt roughly 700 years ago. The mixing of ancient Egyptians and Africans from further south means that modern Egyptians can trace 8% more of their ancestry to sub-Saharan Africans than can the mummies from Abusir el-Meleq. "


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