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EUC and paragliding


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5 hours ago, Jmac said:

I'm 72. Same riding preferences and observations of fitness. 2 arm injuries from being jettisoned forward upon hitting a shadowed ridglet. I'll take the blame: inattention as riding became intuitive and relaxing. Junes 2022 & 23. 

I'm on my second machine. Mostly neighborhood writing some trails.

I as well have another sport (paragliding) for adrenaline. What's yours?

3 hours ago, mmk said:

No effing shit !!!!!!!!     Paragliding of course !!!!!!!!     That's it, we're getting our own thread....

BGD Base2 S and SEA Runa here.......   finally I can throw out some shit others won't quite understand, as I have been subjected to from perusing the forum.


How 'bout :   The geezer ride and fly club


other suggestions?

36 minutes ago, Jmac said:

Are u on Telegram?  Eucs are taking over onewheels to reduce the hike. 

Telegram is somewhat the preferred chat for paragliders. You probably know.

I am but have never used it, or rather rarely, for one on one convos.  I'm mmohlk on there.

Locally, central Mexico, all we use is whatsapp. Is there a non local telegram group of some sort?  How do I find it?

Have been looking for a backpackable EUC. Nothing ideal thus far. Maybe we need to lobby a manufacturer? That would be immensely cool.

I do have one site where the EUC might come in handy, allowing to leave the car by the LZ, but still necessitates driving up to retrieve the wheel.

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