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300 mile EUC anniversary

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As I returned from a ride yesterday, I realized my Master V4 had passed the 100-mile mark, and my Inmotion V14 had just approached the 200-mile marker.
After 300 miles of EUC riding, split between off-road and in-city riding, here are the progress points and deficiencies.

Things I can do:

Mount 95+% of the time without an issue. It still takes me a moment to get my feet situated.
Ride off curbs and tiny drops on the trail. I can confidently drop about 8".
Ride at 25 mph without wobbles or fear of braking wobbles.
Ride either EUC without a 20-minute warm-up.
Stop confidently at lights and practice evasive maneuvers in the city.
Ride trails and deal with rocks, bumps, and off-camber surfaces.

Things I cannot do: (but would like to do)

Ride backward.
Pendulum at lights or road crossings.
Ride "up" curbs and small rises, like rocks on the trail.
Build confidence at higher speeds.
Figure out how to hold my 360 camera while riding.
Do any of the stuff Roger EUC does stay in place upright? ;)

Do you experienced riders have goals for your progress, or do you stop thinking about what can be done next once you reach a certain point?
What are the best exercises for learning the pendulum and staying mounted while waiting in traffic?
I no longer need to grab a light post, but I am not far from that stage.



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