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Poland - 2nd Polish Open PEV Championships

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Hello guys,

We're in the middle of preparation of Polish Championships. It's a late note for you, because event takes place in two weeks time - 08.06.2024

We're going to make a stream to the internet so you can join from whenever you want 😉 

Categories that will be racing: 

EUC, Esk8 open, Esk8 street, Scooters

Event takes place at CSE Autek track, near Warsaw. 

Date: 08.06.2024

We're expecting around 40 riders. 

This is the last years video:


Feel invited to join in any form. 

If you want to race, please write us email at: stowarzyszenie.uuto@gmail.com

All the info about the event are shown at Facebook event page: 



I'd you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write below! 

Best regards

Thomas Civil





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