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    MSuper V3S+

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  1. My V11 has the same "issue". I've seen that Speedy Feet UK reported a similar thing during his review of the V11. He made a point that this was present at 0 km and it didn't get worse after 1000 km of stress testing the wheel. He also asked Inmotion directly (according to the YT video) and they confirmed it is not a problem. I guess time will tell. Anyone else?
  2. Thank you! And anyone know what would be the corresponding batch number based on the production date?
  3. Hi everyone, I am looking to purchase a used V11 and am looking for the kind help from this community. As the title says: I am able to check the serial number on this wheel before buying it. Does this give me any info regarding when it was manufactured and what batch number it is (and potentially figure out if some stuff was fixed etc.?) Thank you very much for any help on this!
  4. Hi guys, As the title says, I'm selling my trusty MSuper which has been my weekend fun and on-and-off commuter for a while. I bought it new from euc.nyc Selling it because I want to upgrade. 2050km total It has scuffs and marks consistent with use, but otherwise runs great. In the interest of full honesty: When I bought this wheel I didn't know that it had one of those faulty boards that would cause oscilation (you can do a search on this forum to find out what that was) The wheel dropped me on the first day, upon which I contacted the seller and he came over and replaced: The side panels / case (from the original red to the current black) the board with one from the new batch that didn't have issues The work was done in my presence by Dmitry, who is the owner of euc.nyc and is extremely helpful and knowledgable. This was the only time that the wheel was actually dropped while riding. All the other marks are from the normal use, no accidents. It has run flawlessly since then, all 2000+ km. Never an issue. It charges to 83.1v according to that device. Selling it with 2 x chargers and this "charge doctor" (if I remember correctly the name of the device, see photos below) - Asking $800 - I prefer selling this in-person in the NYC area. - Not sure if I get notifications from the forum, so if interested and I don't answer please also reach out by email ccoctav@gmail.com Side note: I also have an InMotion V8F for sale which has been sitting unused for a while. I bought it used from @houseofjob and I learnt on it. Willing to let that one go very cheap if I can sell this one!
  5. Hmm, or maybe it's the exact same device, but designed for the USA market? And in doing so, they artificially limited the S1 capabilitie to avoid back-lash and customer complaints. Max rider weight is one example (it can carry more, but they won't take the chance to put it on the label) and max speed (it can safely go a bit faster, but they won't take the chance). If this is not the case, then the only other thing I can consider is the motor being lower than the advertised 500. But that would be a HUGE fuck-up on their part, and a potential backlash as soon as someone opens it up to check. EDIT: The $600 price of the S1 is presented as a big discount. This part shouldn't be confusing (when comparing the 2 devices) , it's basic marketing - demand wasn't high and they need the sales.
  6. All things considered, the S1 is a nice wheel. For a beginner and for $600, it's pretty much unbeatable. If you are not bent on buying from Segway/Ninebot and you are willing to pay just a little more, I'd say go for the Inmotion V5F+ (for 14 inch) or even a step higher to the V8 (16 inch). Inmotion has been described a couple of times as the "Ninebot killer", and it's living up to this name IMO.
  7. Indeed! It's 1,1 kg heavier than the specification.
  8. The 12.5 mph is the actual max speed on the S1. It's the max speed you can select in the app, and I also tested it practically, it starts with a soft tilt-back around 10-11 mph, which gradually intensifies as you push harder, and then it starts beeping. This is very weird...
  9. Following up with pictures from the "Segway One S1", which actually appears to have the official name as "Ninebot One S1". Based on this, I think the max speed is artificially limited for the S1 vs the S2? The S1 and S2 have the same specifications, apart from the max speed, right? (I covered the SN, not sure what someone can do with it TBH)
  10. Interesting... I'll check later if there are any specs on the actual device or in the manual that came in the box.
  11. I think they are the exact same device, but they are for different markets (US vs EU?) As for the device itself, my friend bought the one from Amazon (S1) recently and it seems to be a nice device. This being said, I definitely prefer the V8 for the extra speed, range, stability, size, handle, light and circus colors But it's more expensive as well.
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