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  1. Let's clarify. Are you suggesting the use of an external lithium pack to power lights/headlamps/speakers for the Segway? Or are you suggesting adding external battery power and linking it to the internal battery pack of the Segway to extend the range of Mini Pro?
  2. I've used a LED headlamp. That works fine. Much better to see. Use a bright one that projects far out.
  3. I still firmly believe all the anti-handle bar people posting here have never ridden an original Segway with handle bar. It's definitely safer with handle bar than without. If you've never ridden an original Segway and have only ridden a Mini Pro, then perhaps you're more use to riding the little scooter without any handle bars. I can see why you would not be use to riding with a handle bar, but if you started out your Segway life with handle bars, you'd totally feel naked and insecure without handle bars. I've gotten accustomed to riding without a handle bar now, but for anyone else that doesn't have the best dexterity or coordination, I'd definitely want handle bars for them to start riding. I'm going to get one so my dad can start riding and enjoying the fun. I'll also use it myself for longer, extended rides where I feel a handlebar will be very helpful in helping to reduce sustained stress to my leg/knees.
  4. I've ridden the original big Segway twice on tours. And now I've ridden my Segway Mini Pro over 280 miles. For sure it's safer with handles. Most of all the ability to lean onto the full handle bar to accelerate and to pull back the handle bar to brake. I've never once fallen off of the MiniPro during my 280 miles of riding and I'm quite adept at handling the mini pro, but for sure I'll feel more safe and just allover more comfortable if I had a sturdy handbar to lean/rest on while riding for extend periods of time. I will add a handle bar to my MiniPro once I've determine which is the best to install. The only people who don't think a handle bar is useful must not have ridden an original Segway or are into the "cool" factor.. I'm not into cool factor. I use the Segway Mini as a personal transporter to commute. It's purely functional. And I want it to be as safe and comfortable to use.
  5. It may not be made by Segway or NineBot, but there is huge demand for handle bars on the Mini Pro. Of course Segway proper is going to try and steer folks who want handle bars to pay $5000+ USD for their full size Segway. Honestly, I think the MiniPro is MUCH more dangerous without handle bars than it is with handle bars.
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