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  1. The S19 Pro. I ran the 1.88 update a couple hours before going for a ride, the battery was somewhere at 80% when I left my house. Most of the ride prior to the cutout was on a slight down hill, but as soon as the road started going up hill and I leaned to maintain speed (15ish mph), the wheel completely lost power. I didn’t accelerate much at all, just to keep up with my girlfriend on her scooter which is not anything powerful. So it’s not like I overpowered the FETs. This wheel has been my favorite so far, never had any issues with it, always kept it clean and well maintained, I’m not an aggressive rider so I never pushed it to the limit, just puttered around town with my gf. I got this wheel specifically because the 50s cells and smart BMS, I previously had a v12HT and got rid of it after hearing about all the cutout issues with it. I wanted to upgrade to a wheel with a higher safety margin, joke’s on me tho… Later that night I got a notification from the KS app stating that people should not install 1.88 and instead update to 1.90 which is just a v1.85 roll-back.
  2. I created an account so I can reply to this. Sunday I updated the BMS to 1.88 before going for a ride with my girlfriend. I made it a mile from my house when the wheel suddenly cut turned off, sending me flying. Had to go to urgent care to get stitches. last night I got a notification from the KS app saying there’s something wrong with 1.88 and to install 1.90 (1.85)
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