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    inmotion v8f

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  1. thinking on power or jump pads for my V8F, any suggestions, I am not sure if there are any power pads for this EUC.
  2. about Inmotion V8F, do this euc has an alarm to let you know if you are close to speed limit? I can not find anything in the app. thanks.
  3. My question is, I use a V8F to ride, I am new at this and going better but at the moment that I am riding how do I know how fast I am going?
  4. Did you panic at some point after learning? this happened to me, it was rainy and the ground uneaven. I just panic and when to the grownd, was unsecure after that.
  5. so. my V8F app tells me that for now I can drive 15 mph. (I got my EUC 4 WEEKS AGO) is this going to change automatically? is there a notification that the app sends? how this works? the range suppose to be 22 MPH, thanks.
  6. One question, after practicing today, the EUC had 3 green bars, but suddenly the bars turn one yellow and one red, took it inside my place to check the battery range, it was 56%, I am charging it at this moment, is this normal? I run a self diagnosis and every thing came out in good condition.
  7. YESSSSSSS, today is one day after 3 weeks, Y recieved my inmotion V8F sept. 15 thursday, and today I finally figiure it out, I can step and balance the weel ang go, I still hold a reail out side my apt. but I can ride it with out fear. The confidence is there know. little by little I let the rail go more and I stay on the AUC more with out holding nothing. thanks to all who gave me support and advise, Ready to Ride, bless you,
  8. @Hellkitten, good idea, Tomorrow will try this, the grocery cart is nice.
  9. I must admit, I know is fear my enemy, fear of what? I think it is hard for me to trust that I can go forword with the weel, ja ja ja, is funny but this EUC adventure is taking out of me many things inside that I never thouth I had, I live in the border of Texas and Mexico, there are no EUC groups near me, all of you are right, I will take all your advise, thanks for your help my EUC Inmotion V8F
  10. Wow, nice and fast feedback here, thanks to all, yes, I watch training videos, a lot, I am 63 years old, very good fisical condition cus I work out for years, so I was expecting this to be easy, but my problem is balance, I am determined to learn, and I can see improvement, but very slow, I WILL DO THIS, I know that, I sufer from Scoliosis, one vertevra in my column is out out line, That is my problem with balance, but at the same time I notice that learning the EUC has giving me more health benefits, my balance in general is improving, I am exited and will not pay attention on how long is taking to learn, just taking it one day of practice at a time. bless you all,
  11. this is my third week and is not easy to learn. I wonder if someone here took as long as me. I can not learn to ride the EUC, I have been precticing every day and not much progress.
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