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Shannon McDonald

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    Holiday Fl U.S.A
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    InMotion V12

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  1. No I was completely unaware of the issue. I have not performed a stress test I never saw anything on the app about it. But then again I didn’t go looking either. I’ve put over 600 miles on it so far my average speed is about 30. I haven’t taken it off road it’s all bee street commuting fastest speed I achieved was 51 (down hill) 43 on flat street. It’s never been wet I’ve only dropped it twice both were low speed low impact. I was able to access it with Bluetooth through the app but now when I plug it in it’s does nothing whatsoever. When I plug the charger in the wall the green light on the converter illuminates. Then when I plug it into the v12 the converter light turns red and the machine does nothing
  2. Thanks for the info provided it helped. If anyone has dealt with & had this problem resolved I would appreciate any information you can recall such as if you needed to ship it, the timeframe it took to get it back if there any further cost to basically was it easy to deal with or a nightmare. Thanks in advance. Shannon
  3. Yeah looks like I’ll need to emaiL Service@imsecv.com and await further instructions. I hope I don’t need to box it up and ship it to them and wait for it to be shipped back. But I’m not an engineer so to not void the warranty I probably will. Maybe it won’t take to long. And yes I am lucky I wasn’t riding when it happened however I do feel a bit let down that this was/is a known problem and InMotion is willing to sell the machines anyway. What we do on these machines is risky enough. Possible machine failure while riding can prove deadly. I still love my machine and the company I hope it can be corrected for all soon.
  4. No way… I put it on its side and it has resistance it feels like it’s got a rubber band wrapped around it this is brutal. I got my battery charger and connected it and then connected it through Bluetooth it kept saying be prepared or please prepare and now I’m getting a red fault notification stating my driver board may need to be replaced in a contact my point of sale
  5. Hi I was just walking into work with my v12 the handle in the upright position at approximately 1 mph. My right foot pedal (also in the upright position) snagged the metal frame of my door which is not connected to electricity it’s just a normal door. The machine shut down and it has not turned back on. I had approximately 90% battery when I came in. It showed no signs of being in jeopardy or having any prior issue it’s been running perfect. Last time I checked and ran a diagnostic all systems were good. I’ve had the machine for about 6 weeks now after waiting 8 months. I love it as much as my own life. I don’t want to go back to my V8. Please any info will be greatly appreciated
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