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  1. hmm, kinda lost with your acronyms. rs19 ? ht.? I am buying my first one, so I thought KS 16S would be a middle ground that ill serve me for some time. I am not into acrobatic ate (I'm 65) but rather something I could take with me on a trip to cruise around and also a bit off-road. Once concern is weight, which is in direct opposition to the range (haha). I think if I can make around 25mi I would be happy, but it is hard to find something with this range and lightweight at the same time.
  2. Thank you all for responding. Still looking. My first interest is on KS 14D or KS 16S. If I do not find one of those in a month I will go with another model or buy a new one. I am mostly looking for something mid-size, easy to carry it on and fitting into the trunk. Dosingpsychedelics - thanks for the link. It looks quite interesting.
  3. Looking for one of those: KS-14D , KS-16S, KS-18, V8F, V8S, V5F or similar (Chicago area). SKYPE: tusio56
  4. Thank you for your suggestions. I am sure this will also help others. You see, the major problems in selecting a wheel is obvious. Tehre no stores one can go and take a look (or try). As opposed to bicycles or scooters. For example I have no idea how heavy would be for me 15,25-35 wheel to carry on. It is not only matter of strength (although age plays some role). It is like a shoes which you need to try. They might look nice or right size but not god in a long run. As opposed to the shoes I believe it is rather impossible to return EUC. Yes, I would love to have suspension but the wheels with suspension seem to be to heavy. amd there are only 3 models to choose and all are 18". I would love to have extra battery to extend the range but those are also on a heavy side. Yes I realize 14" would be short time investment. If I ever upgrade it will be only an exchange. I do not plan to keep more than one wheel. I could get V5F for a year or so and then upgrade to something like V11 (which seems to be my favorite, but heavy). My major concern here is the waight. Not because of stability etc, but rather because of the transportation therough the stairs, in/out of the trunk etc. Few more questions: - is there particular time of the year when EUC go on significant sale ? - which of the mentioned in this thread wheels have double charging ports (so they could be charged much quicker) ? - (one cagain) which of the two would you choose and why: KS-16S or V8S ? - would you buy Nineboot One S2 as a training wheel (they are way much cheaper and I've seen some used ones for only $300-500 ?
  5. The charging port is simply USB (at least for some EUC) so it is only 5V. What could potentialy make a difference is the AMPs, but if the power bank could supply enough Amps then the charging should be possible. Obviously not to charge it to 100% or perhaps even 50% but to increase BATT just enough to make another extra few miles. There multiple power banks on the market which could supply variety of charging styles. Yes if you charging at 12V or 16,18V then it would be much harder to do. I might be wrong on that as I do not know what is the charging voltage for most wheels (I thought it is 5V).... My other question was: which of the two EUC would you prefer and why ? V8S vs KS16S ?
  6. Yeahh, perhaps power bank in a backpack would be a solution for at least emergency backup.
  7. One other question: Has anybody found any wheel with replaceable battery ? I have seen one some time ago but it was small, and I cannot remember the brand. I think replaceable battery should be next step in EUC development. I also would like to know if anybody had ever tried to use some power bank (as temporary solution to get few extra mils when stuck on the way home) ?
  8. Still doing some research, but most likely I will go with KS16. Does anybody know if KS16 (in its latest version ) has a wheel sensor switch/OFF when lifted OR it is still manual shut off ?
  9. Thank you for all valuable information and posts. I kinda narrowed down my choices to those, below. KS16S seems to have a better range than V8S , although V8S seems to be much more polished (and also has better app) (am I right or wrong ?) Could you guys please tell me what you dislike on those wheels (if you have /had any of these, I mean real experience not the Specs.) in the aspect of 50-60% off-road'ing.? Samm wheels - KS14D - V5F or bigger wheeel - KS16S - V8S Those wheels are in two different categories, so I would love to see your choice in "Small Wheel" and "Bigger Wheel"
  10. Well "they" limit your freedom almost on a daily basis and we really need to resist, otherwise in 10-20 we will all be a slaves directed by artificial intelligence. Unfortunately some people abuse the speed and have no respect to other, to nature etc that is why we get our pay off in the form of less and less freedom, and this happens all over the world. Yes I would love to get connected with local EUC, but first I have to get one - haha! Unfortunately, I was not able to find anything used in my area. Well with the exception of one NINEBOOT-One which does not seem to be a best choice (even for learning) - am I right ? I checked eBay, Craiglist and FB and there are very little choices and those interesting are far (and the shipping is expensive because of the weight). I would also rather take the unit in my hands before reaching for my wallet. RagingGrandpa - really nice PIC ! The table from the manual is helpful but still does not take into consideration the average speed and rider weight. 37km seems to be a max and I would rather want to know what is the guaranteed minimum (with my weight 140LB and average 15 mph) ? They really should change those rating, as they are very confusing and inaccurate. I wonder how do you compare V8S with KS16S , which seems to have a bit better range (or am I wrong?)
  11. Thank you guys for suggestions. I fully understand if somebody is young enought to keep 2-3 heels. I do not thin I would do that (unless I move to some western states to enjoy more of the nature and weather)). I really do not like that fact that for at least 2-3 months I will not be able to use the toys. I was riding my morot bike last weekend and I damaged the rim a bit. The side/edge is bended and I can feel it under the break pad. Will try to fix this (since this is aluminum), otherwise would have to buy a new rim, This makes me rething the suspension on the wheel. The bad part is that none of the lighter ones has it. OK, I just watched today a video with range test of V8F and was rather disapointed. The guy made roughly 17miles and walked 2 miles home. I was hoping to get at least the 75% of what is shown on the specs (which in case of V8F is 27 mi). It seems that the range will be way to small for me. although I like everything else. RODO - could you tell my how much more range did you get from V8S as opposed to V8F ? I really pisses me off when the maufacturer lies about the range. I would be OK if there is 10% exageration but 40-50% is a shame. Now I have to reconsider either going to the higher range (=price) or going to lower range (price) until I learn to ride and utilize the speed/weight/price benefits. On this page https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=5C7F7C96B9CB240D!453580&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AH72KLYXambSLHc It would be great to add extra ROW to list realistic range (as an average compliled from user reports) I just checked eWheels and it seems that KS-16s has a better range for the $100 less than V8S
  12. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. When I asked about Inmotion it was a question about V8F and V8S (not V8). I know the difference between V8 and other models). There are only 3-4 models with the suspension and they all seem to be a bit to heavy for me (but still is is so super hard to figure out because I have not have one in my hands to carry...). I kinda narrowed down my choice to IM-V8F, KS16S, KS 16SX , OR eventually IM-V5F (and upgrading later). I have also seen v5F+ on YT but I cannot locate any place to check what's extra as opposed to V5F (?) PS> I've seen an article where they opened V8S to verify the difference with V8F and stated they only difference is the battery arrangement. On eWHEELS it shows up that the BAT. is larger by about 10-15% and that should increase a millage. V8S is $200 more than V8F so I want to figure out if it is worth to pay a bit more if I could get better range, but I still quite confused about this
  13. After 2-3 weeks of researching and watching some YT video's I decided to get EUC. I already have an DIY motor-mointain bike but in many cases it is not convenient. The advantage over anything electric is that gasoline is available everywhere and when I run out of gas I can refill and be on the road in 5 min. The disadvantage is the size, weight etc. I am 150 LB, 50+ YO. Here are some features I am Interested in: 1) RANGE 2) WEIGHT 3) 60% city, 40% OFF-ROAD 4) CHARGING TIME 5) COMFORT-STABILITY I do not care about: - lightning - speakers - speed (as long as it is 15mph+ Additionally few features I would appreciate but it is not a requirement. - some way of fast charging - wheel cover - trolling handle Out of that priority would be the first three. I narrowed down my selection to few models but still unsure. I do not think I would ever keep more than one wheel so if I purchase a beginner type and would want to upgrade I would rather have to get rid of the first one (and of course loose some $$). I was inistially intended to get the wheel with suspension (S18/V11). IT is so very hard thourgh to decide on anything by just looking at the specs and videos. I'm in Chicago and so far I was not able to find one store with EUC so I could go and take a look, check the weight etc. I am not interested in stunts and acrobatic stuff (bit to old for that) but learning the off-road skills so I can use it when I'm camping on a dirt road. Here are few wheels I consider: On a bit higher end 1) Inmotion V8F or V8S (is some one could tell me reall experienced difference, because it looks like there is almost none except the battery location), but I might be wrong 2) KS 16SX (I 've seen people complaining about the app) OR KS-16S On the lower end 3) KS 14D 4) Inmotion v5F I was looking for entire week to get eventually something used but was not able to find anything that wold fit my expectations. Also those wheels are very heavy and shipping is a rather big factor in price. I have seen something like this: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1245871479169665/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A29bea895-5b28-492c-b077-556c68610b91 Thanks Art
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