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  1. Not sure I follow...didn't really answer the question
  2. So store it in the back of my car? There is no where indoors on my 3rd floor apartment where it would do "minimal" damage. Also have no idea where to charge it 'safely' in this city where it would do minimal damage.
  3. Chicway is not even being responsive at this point regarding anything in any format. Regarding refunds, partial refunds, or even getting my protective case or an in warranty charger. They send me a generic message saying something about their system or they say nothing at all lately. No numbers to call obviously. So not holding my breath for ANY help from them and PayPal has their back for some reason... Very black and white to them and they can't be reasoned with even by phone. So yeah... I've basically only tried riding around on carpet, which is not easy and I suck. Battery still holding voltage, but every one contradicts each other, some say enjoy riding, some say fire risk... I have 3 kids and an apartment with many more so have been scared to plug it in. Even though some say not to worry...hard to not... Really not sure what to do... Anyone want a good deal on an unused maybe risky v10f? Preferably with a safer place to keep it than me....? Lol
  4. In regards to their policy, since it doesn't specify that they pay return shipping, I guess they aren't technically lying...but domestically must refer to China? Not sure there. I'd be happy with a partial refund even but that has not been offered or mentioned. It was about 3-5 minutes before it fully powered on when first plugged in. And there is no way they were down at 2.5v if 3.15v is the 0%. It would have taken way way longer to power back on if it needed to gain .6v or more, right?
  5. My money back -$500 for something I didn't get to use and showed up in a condition some consider unsafe, doesn't seem right. Where in their ToS does it explicitly say all returns go to China? Also in regards to voltage, I unplugged after it hit 84v about an hour after green light. It held 84v exactly for the next 24 hours. I've rolled around on it a little around the inside on carpet, not much. Been too worried over the return to try more. Still 83.6v and shows 100% on EUC world. Inmotion app shows same, and says EUC in good health when I run the diagnosis thing.
  6. Thanks man, nice to hear that it should be relatively low risk, as there is no way I want to ship it to China. As far as car storage, my only logic was I'd rather it burn down a couple cars then a multi family 3 level apartment building with dozens of people and my kids in it. The fires from these things terrify me enough already but I didn't know how at risk I was in this scenario. Seems like if it keeps charging normally from this point back to 84v, pretty negligible risk?
  7. I am well aware of the fires that have happened and what they can do. As far as I was aware, none had caught fire solely from being drained to zero and then used as normal? So I didn't know that on its own was a concern for fire. There's no way I can afford an extra $500 to ship this thing. Does it make any difference that it eventually did get to 84v?
  8. And people over in the inmotion thread now saying it's a fire risk, so more scared and not sure what to do.
  9. Is it that big of a fire risk just because they sat dead so long? How concerned should I really be? Keep it in the car? I don't know what to do
  10. Well that's reassuring... Slightly terrifying since I'm on a mid level apartment with no real "safe" place to put it if that happened. Making me very paranoid.
  11. So far everyone at PayPal has been very black and white. They can't refund until it's been delivered back to seller, and getting it there is on me. Most they offer is a $30 credit towards the shipping cost. Still hundreds out of pocket. And no one can really explain at PayPal why or how it makes sense for me to fund the freight to China, when it was shipped from the US. This article explains basically what they did and do all the time.. https://medium.com/hawthorne-crow/how-the-oops-we-sent-you-the-wrong-item-scam-works-bypassing-paypals-consumer-protections-78d46b2debc9 Not a great experience so far trying to get into EUC, should've just waited the extra month for ewheels. Now I am nervous to even use this wheel, can't get a refund, and certainly can't afford to buy another one when this one took forever to save for. Maybe next year..
  12. Reposting here as it's also in the inmotion thread but more people should be aware.. Against my better judgement bought my first wheel (v10f) from Chicway. My mistake, but I wanted to learn to ride ASAP and ewheels/all other US based retailers didn't have V10F available before the end of summer. So I gambled on chicway after speaking with two reps of the company online for quite some time. Looking back, most of it was lies and false promises. I also paid with PayPal, assuming it was safe...wrong.. So the only positive thing I can say is I did receive the wheel in 6 days from when I ordered. Not bad at all for shipping speed, but the wheel was far less than perfect, bad charger, (actually had minor scratches on wheel) and the battery was sitting dead for 14 months. Also they didn't ship the protective case they stated would be included. I posted this all in the inmotion thread and several people advised returning the wheel, so I tried.. Filed claim with PayPal, gave all info, and very quickly received a full refund offer - HOWEVER, only after I mail them back the wheel to China...at my expense fully, and that's when it was shipped from Chicago IL. Shipping the wheel back with tracking and insurance seems like it will be $500+. And then they will likely "never" get it. Makes absolutely no sense, I've been back and forth with PayPal and they side with Chicway 100%. Claim the sellers address is in China, so returns go to China..even when they were shipping from Chicago... I did a lot of research and seems this is a very very common China/PayPal scam. Serves me right for using Chicway to save a little bit of time and money...not really sure how to proceed.
  13. So funny story and I guess this should also become a PSA regarding Chicway...and also, not sure how to proceed... Against my better judgement this came from Chicway, which totally makes sense that it was old and sitting so long. My mistake, but I wanted to learn ASAP and ewheels/all other US based retailers didn't have V10F available before the end of summer. So I gambled on chicway after speaking with two reps of the company online for quite some time. Looking back, most of it was lies and false promises. I also paid with PayPal, assuming it was safe...wrong.. So the only positive thing I can say is I did receive the wheel in 6 days from when I ordered. Not bad at all for shipping speed, but the wheel was far less than perfect, bad charger, (actually had scratches) and the battery was sitting dead for 14 months. Filed claim with PayPal, gave all info, and very quickly received a full refund offer - HOWEVER, only after I mail them back the wheel to China...at my expense fully, and that's when it was shipped from Chicago IL. Shipping the wheel back with tracking and insurance seems like it will be $500+. Makes absolutely no sense, I've been back and forth with PayPal and they side with Chicway 100%. I did a lot of research and seems this is a very very common China/PayPal scam. Serves me right for using Chicway to save a little bit of time and money...not really sure how to proceed.
  14. Nothing to be concerned with regarding the battery being fully dead and it sitting for over a year? (Based on QC stamp date?) It's charging super slowly, also have to use a friend's charger as the one included was getting incredibly hot almost instantly and taking an hour to go up 1%, if any at all. Has me worried about the battery health. Friends charger going a little faster and not as hot, but still a 1.5a charger so I have just now got it to 75% battery. I don't like charging unattended, didn't realize it would be THIS slow though.
  15. Thanks for all the great info. Is it safe to assume if I have the pedal revision I should also have the water ingress fix already done? There was a lot of mixed information but it sounded like sometime in 2019 they started shipping them with the protective case and better sealing? I'd rather not open it up to check until I need to... It has a QC stamp of 6/2020 so I guess it's a relatively new one, but also leads me to believe it sat in a warehouse for a year or more not being charged (bad for batteries?). It was at 0% and would not power on until plugged in a few minutes. And no I have not had a chance to ride it yet, they forgot to ship my protective cover and I am paranoid to drop it early on and bang it up coverless.
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