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Vladimir CRO

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  • EUC
    ONE S2 + "B" RS19 HS

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  1. no no no, all these "super cars" must first meet all standard tests, thousands examinations... go millions of miles and only then cars are introduced to customers and go on sale ... there are "development studies", but it is not for sale... something like this does not exist
  2. I envy you. We all really enjoy driving, we have become addicted ... we have lost our sense of reality and we are willing to pay a high price and accept risk just to enjoy ourselves. You're an optimist ...I envy you :-) if you think we're not addicted, a lost sense of reality, crazy, explain to me just one thing: how thousands and thousands of us buy a product based on an image, a video simulation ... that has not yet been produced, tested, or that anyone has tried...how is that possible? We started paying 3.000 EURO for the product before a single test specimen has been produced (I mean the eagle). It’s not just love, it’s drugs :-)
  3. Can we conclude: -the product (EUC) is still very very far away from reliable and usable "EU standard quality" which we have right to expect of something that is put on the market and has the price nearly a solid motorcycle. -An unfulfilled dream is to get a real and reliable two-year warranty for normal use, not for the wheel nor for the charger! -all production is in China, there is no decent after-sales support and no availability of spare parts (regardless of manufacturer or dealer) -by buying a product we are really taking a very big risk -due to the extremely small number of customers, this situation is unlikely to improve This is the rule, there are minor differences but insignificant... :-(
  4. too late ... I already paid ... unfortunately we in Europe do not have too many choices where to buy, and it is known that there are NO authorized services for Begode and either for King Song :-(
  5. thank you very much ... of course i researched and this dealer offers the best equipment and the lowest price ... how reliable is i need a cristal ball :-)
  6. in Europe we do not have too much choice of suppliers... nor can we really check their credibility... can you recommend someone?
  7. Should I Wait or Should I Go my 14" wheel burned out... I'm switching to 18"... should I buy excellently equipped Gotway RS HS https://eucsale.com/euc-transport/begode/gotway-rs.html or to wait 2 months on KS-S20 Eagle? I don't have any overly demanding requests, i'm not in a hurry but i don't want to overpay 1.000 EURO if Eagle doesn't deserve it. I need an advice. Thnx
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