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Henrique Poeira Manso

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    Amora - Seixal - Setúbal - PORTUGAL

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  1. IONBRAIN once again my thanks for your explanatory reply. So the best solution will be to replace the complete controller, but ....... so, we'll have to be careful in driving to not get back to term problems, right? And to avoid even problems it is best to follow some of their recommendations, such as: - Do not accelerate downhill; Do not exceed 100kgs of driver weight; Do not use the maximum speed for long (25 ~ 30kms / h); Do not let the inside of the Ninebot exceed the temperature of 30º Celsius; and.............. So in short we have to have these all taken care of until the manufacturer solves it with a new redesigned board, right? Until then, we have to be careful and when it malfunctions, first shunt, and then replace controller boards. Yet there is something else: IONBRAIN when you wrote: "They cut corners and this is why the 'B' fuse is there in the first place." What does it means? Sorry I did not realize the meaning, could you explain it better? To conclude this continuation of the request for help / clarification: I have already done more than 100 kms, in accentuated climbs, so in effort, I sometimes used speed of 25 ~ 30 kms, and the weight is 94kgs (including clothing and others), I do not use the front LED (I deactivated), and nothing has happened yet, so I have not had any problems yet. But if it does, so burn the fuse B, I ask what it suggests I do (weld another B, or weld 0603 0R, or shunt)? Thank you in advance for clarification, and best regards.Henrique Manso
  2. IONBRAIN once again my thanks for your explanatory reply. Now, continuing with the subject ..... But if we change the 'B' thermal fuse, by a direct connection (shunt), or by Resistor 0603 0R, will not cause problems in other components? If the 'B' thermal fuse is damaged, where to find the substitute? I also do not understand how the control of the flow of electricity to the motor bridge and lights, by a feeding wire the Red, should not be made by the information wire (D + - the Yellow)? To finalize for now, please clarify me. From the reports I've read, most of the problems, although with different symptoms, will direct everyone to the same component, the Fuse B. So, I ask, what should be done, so that there are no problems with the fuse B ? or, will the driving behavior change? Thank you in advance for clarification, and best regards. Henrique Manso
  3. IONBRAIN thank you for responding. I saw that I did not make myself understood, perhaps because it is difficult to make a correct and linear translation to what is intended to communicate in a different language to the native / origin. So I thank you for forgetting what I wrote, and now see what I am going to write, and please clarify me. So, please see the photo Ninebot resitor.png that attachment (which I use from the ones you published, and that I apologize for using them), and see the color of the wires I mentioned, the 4 wires Red, Green, Yellow and Black, am I right or wrong? Now near the plug of these wires is the SMD Resistor (the SMD B, which I suppose is a ThermoResistor), which is giving problems, right (see the same photo as the attachment)? So I ask: 1º) What is the function of this Resistor? 2º) Where is this Resistor connected (to Red or Green wire)? After answering these two questions, I will make others to complete my request for clarification. I think it will be easier to make myself understood. Thank you in advance for clarification, and excuse my English (I wrote with google translator help). Henrique Manso
  4. Hello everyone! Sorry if I'm going to write nonsense, but I do not want to be ignorant. I see that there are 4 wires (Red, Green, Yellow and Black) that connect the bottom circuit (which is next to the battery), to the top where the display is. I assume that Red and Black are 5V power which should be constant, right? The rest, so Green and Yellow will be D- and D +, right? And the problem is due to the fickle 5V power supply, right? So I ask, could it be that the power supply (with the Red and Black wires) could be made by a stable circuit of a batery eliminator circuit (BEC)? Thank you in advance for clarification. Henrique Manso
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