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Hi there guys, I was just wondering if there was any sense or logic, in have a back up wheels of he same brand and model, I like the Kingsong KS 16s so much, I wanted it to be my back up wheel, Somebody told me to get a new wheel that would be an18 inch wheel, 18 inche wheels are a little bit harder to maneuver, so I would like to stay with the 16 inch sized wheels, is there any logic in having two King song KS 16s?

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6 minutes ago, claudioagmfilho said:

Hi there guys I was just wondering I like the Kingsong KS 16s so much I was just wondering is there any logic you have two of those because I would like to have two of those instead of just one should I buy a different wheel or is there any advantage of having two wheels of the same? Somebody told me get a new wheel get an 18 inch wheel I was thinking well 18 inches are a little bit harder to maneuver so I really would like to stay with the 16 inch sizes so I was just wondering is there any logic and having to King song KS 16s?

Hey, with my short lived experience I can say that having different wheel sizes is great for different situations... I ordered an 18S from Jason and will be here FedEx on Monday. I have a 14D, 16S also... The bigger wheels are definitely more for commuting, going long distances due to larger batteries but not as easy to throw around as my 14, also trails and rough riding surfaces are much better with a bigger wheel, your comment they are harder to maneuver is true but I felt that from 14 to 16, so 18 will be a bit harder but I know I will get used to it with time... if I am practicing new moves or tricks than it is always on the 14 first, then move up... I think I recall Marty saying the 10" wheel he has or had was the most fun. The only thing I would have done in hindsight is to get the 14S instead of the D with the bigger battery, also it reduces the speed at 30% not 50 % battery (Jason recommends charging to 80%). On a different note, I researched extensively on the different models and I am sticking with KS... I almost went with the MSuper but got scared off with problems in the past... seems to me that in the long run, KS may not be the quickest or longest range, but safety and reliability seems to be at or near the top, just my opinion...:)

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@claudioagmfilho wanting to get a back up wheel is understandable and it makes sense. Here are the pros and cons of getting the same wheel as opposed to a different wheel:

Pros of same wheel:

1) being used to riding the particular wheel you will not have to adjust to the other model when switching between them 

2) you will be blissfully happy thinking you got 2 best wheels in the world and can avoid potential disappointment of getting a different model as you may not like it as much

3) if one of the wheels break you can interchange parts to fix it while waiting for the extra part to arrive

4) can use same charger for either wheel or double up 2 chargers for faster charging 

5) additional gadgets u install on a wheel will fit and be easily moved to the other one ( lights, camera, reflectors etc)

6) if you ever have to open it you will only need to learn how to do it once 


Pros of getting different wheel:

1) you can explore a different model for versatility , you might like it more

2) different model / brand and especiallly size can be better suited for a different terrain/ riding experience/ style 

3) you can select to use one wheel for day longer conforttable trips ( bigger battery, bigger tire) and the other for short trips ( lighter wheel to carry around , fits into your gym locker etc)

4) you can designate one wheel as main if the specs lend themselves to it and the other as back up ( used less often) which may make sense economically. For example letting a huge battery pack sit and depreciate while you ride a small battery cheap wheel may not be the best strategy as your expensive wheel will depreciate faster than the cheap one

My advice is try to ride someone else’s different wheels and see if you like something else for a change . But if you find that you absolutely love the model you have better than any other, and there aren’t budgetary constraints ,  there is nothing wrong with getting the same one. 




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Hey man best answer,  I have ever heard, thanks you taking the time and saying that,  yeah if you get an 18 inch wheel it’s going to kind of be a little bit more difficult to maneuver and stuff like that and to top off the KS 16s, it’s going to take a while it’s gonna be a little hard plus I don’t want anything faster than that, or more powerful that’s already pretty scary to me because the KS 16s is so easy to ride, and it’s hella fast...

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