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#BodyframeGate :D

For modeles Mini & Mini PRO


Well, today a french Mini owner post about his bodyframe broken https://forum.urban360.com/index.php?/topic/3663-changement-de-main-frame-ninebot-mini/&tab=comments#comment-47026

It's not the first time i hear about this, our friend @Alex Markin last july experiment the same accident, it's exactly the same bodyframe's part



Well, there's another case similar too inside topics...july 2016 @jeremyg



What i suggest to everybody?


Please remove battery for check bodyframe state

and take care on the road


(really it's a bad day for SEGWAY NINEBOT after #BatteryGate and #SteeringbarGate)


alex's bodyframe 20/07/2017



@SaintToll bodyframe 17/12/2017



@jeremyg bodyframe 02/07/2016



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7 hours ago, jojo33 said:

Please everybody share this information with all mini users you know, it's very serious for our safety


(1 exemple of defect, ok, 3 exemples of defect it's comon to every users)


It seems to be excessive or abusive riding behavior that causes a break in the frame.

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10 hours ago, Rocky Romero said:

It seems to be excessive or abusive riding behavior that causes a break in the frame.

how can you know that? Alex Markin, Jeremyg or Saintoll told you personaly that it was their excessive riding attitude ?

Rocky Romero, this is a defect,  it's dangerous, seriously it can break at any time, down a sidewalk or through a bump

it has nothing to do with riding attitude,
it is the succession of bumps and obstacles that favor the breaking of the bodyframe

the bodyframe must not break! Never! It must be the strongest part of the Mini, it's like a car, you roll and your four axles break

You have traveled 3000 km with your Mini
You spent a lot of bumps, sidewalks
one day, you roll on a small road, cars overtake you, there are some bumps,
and suddenly your left wheel breaks
Imagine the following



2016 first edition user manual : 85-185lbs



Actual edition user manual: 85-220lbs




the bodyframe should not break "aerospace magnesium alloy frame" <_<




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17 hours ago, jojo33 said:

(1 exemple of defect, ok, 3 exemples of defect it's comon to every users)

you have to know the overall number of (non-defective) examples to make such a claim

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8 minutes ago, Mono said:

you have to know the overall number of (non-defective) examples to make such a claim

the problem is that it happens with the wear,
all the bumps and rough terrain impact the ends of the frame

if you live in an airport you will not have any problem, it will never break


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50 minutes ago, jojo33 said:

and I prove what I say..........(my gif doesnt work)




I avoid street riding.  Period.

You mentioned 3 instances where the mainframe broke.  I don’t know the particulars on those situations, however, that seems to be isolated instances.  Stronger steel frames, if that’s possible, would be one answer from Segway.

For myself, I expect years of MiniPro usage, riding on sidewalks that are smooth with minimal bumps.

Segway continues to build a reputation of safety and reliability.

Hopefully, the isolated instances of failure are resolved within the warranty period.

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I remember seeing these pictures a while ago. The owner was constantly riding off curbs on purpose. If you are constantly forcing your minipro to ride off the ledge and do a hard landing, you probably will break something. And he did.

Safe to say, most of us are NOT doing this.


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2 hours ago, icom said:

I remember seeing these pictures a while ago. The owner was constantly riding off curbs on purpose. If you are constantly forcing your minipro to ride off the ledge and do a hard landing, you probably will break something. And he did.

Safe to say, most of us are NOT doing this.


This would prompt Segway to provide restrictions:

Not to ride on streets

Not to ride off slopes or sidewalks higher than 2 inches.

No weight greater than 180 pounds

Not to ride unless certified safety compliance

No riding without helmets, lights (front & back) on the person, horn or hand bell

No riding closer than 5 feet of any objects

No riding  at night.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I come back with this bodyframe defect issue

Today i read into chinese forum (but with my googling translate) about a new victim, victim said

" As usual, riding a small nine to work, just go out not long, normal driving on the road, the chassis is broken, people fly. . .

A while scared, but fortunately there were no other large vehicles around. . ."


Please check your bodyframe


oiriginal topic is here http://bbs.xiaomi.cn/t-14269202






Always the same part is concerned !

it's very dangerous

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for people who have never experienced a fall in MINI,
it is normal that it is difficult to imagine how dangerous it is.
Those who have already fallen from a MINI understand that this is very serious

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  • 1 month later...

" One More Time:whistling:


Last February 22http://bbs.xiaomi.cn/t-14469272  & January 21http://bbs.xiaomi.cn/t-14333958

Two another #bodyframegate's victims (in China)



CHINA 04/01/2018
Last january 4, a chinese owner had accident with this bodyframe defect original page: http://bbs.xiaomi.cn/t-14269202

FRANCE 17/12/2017
Well, today a french Mini owner post about his bodyframe broken https://forum.urban360.com/index.php?/topic/3663-changement-de-main-frame-ninebot-mini/&tab=comments#comment-47026

KOREA 18/11/2017
Mini PRO korean user broken, source Segway app NFAN - KOREA

RUSSIA 20/07/2017
It's not the first time i hear about this, our friend @Alex Markin last july experiment the same accident, it's exactly the same bodyframe's part


Other country 02/07/2016
Well, there's another case similar too inside topics...july 2016 @jeremyg



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