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Rockwheel GT16 V2 DIY flashing light

Barry Chen

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Hey guys:D.Maybe you can buy at ur local online store.I get them from Taobao in our country.For the GT16 ,the easy way is set flashing light outside.As mention in the video.You can see  the small hole on two side .At the same time dill several hole and just add void-filling gel to fix them .:oMaybe there is not any more  space to set up the light for V8 and aslo V8 had flashing light .




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Yi Chen at Rockwheel Store used to have a kit for it. I can't find it now, but you can ask him if he'll get it again.

That kit was a good solution in at least one respect, it had a controller that fed on the regular 84V battery power, meaning you didn't need any secondary batteries.

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Just spoke with @Yi Chen. He used to have a "pre-made" kit, where the user could do the installation, but where he had put it all together for easy assembly.

He will look into his stuff and see if he has any stuff left to sell. The video @Barry Chen posted is actually @Yi Chen doing it... :D

陈俊毅 translates to Chen Yunyi. He is not satisfied with that video though, so he will try to make a new one.

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