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My training progress


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So as to not hijack anyone's thread I decided to start my own.  The reason for posting this is just to, hopefully, help encourage others that are learning.  I've had a couple of times when I was discouraged because I wasn't making any progress.  Yesterday before I went out I said that "I'd better make some progress!" and I did.  Today I made even more progress.   Also, I am going to include some things that I have started doing that I think are helping me.

Today was my 9th day of practice.  When I go out I can usually only practice for 15-20 minutes.  Partially because it's HOT here (around 97 degrees Fahrenheit) and my back usually gets tired from bending over and walking the 9B1 to my launch site (but no more of that).

I've been practicing in my kitchen more during the day.  I feel it is helping me get better.  I also tried mounting unassisted in the kitchen and I think I did pretty good at it.  I tried both the hop on and go and the push off (skateboard) methods.

I went to a nearby Elementary school parking lot again. My first launch was from my car.  All other launches were unassisted.  My first unassisted launch was a success as well. And I did good riding (not great, but good).  On my very first 'run' I went mostly where I wanted (a first for me.  Usually I went 'wherever' and just was able to navigate enough as to not hit anything).  I went around the bigger part of the parking lot a few times.  It's more like a few small parking lots connected by car paths (see the picture URL below).  So that means there are more curbs to miss. I've wanted to find a bigger parking lot but this one is so close to my house and there aren't too many people to see me (like if I went to a store parking lot).  I didn't wobble most of the time (like I usually do).  It seems like when I wobble it's because my feet are arguing... or getting tired.   Sometimes I was even relaxed (hands by my sides).  I was able to intentionally squeeze between a curb and a speed bump (about a 3' gap) twice but bailed once.  I was successful at speeding up when I needed more speed and slowing down when I thought I was going too fast. I fell twice but they were just because I tripped over the 9B1 after failed unassisted launches.  It seems for me that each day my first or second 'run' is the best.   I may have some other decent ones but usually not as good as the beginning.  I think this means that some muscles are getting tired.  They must be muscles that I haven't been using much.  During my first run today my turns seemed more natural.  Later it wasn't as fluid.  It was like I was over-thinking it.

The next few days are going to be hotter.  I may have to practice in the dark.

Here's the school where I practice:     https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7oev598hxU2UEV2emJIX2ZnSlk/view

I have been doing many of the things recommended on this forum but here are some things that I have just started doing the last 2 times out that I am contributing to my success.  They may not actually be what's helped; maybe I am just getting better... But I think they are helping.  I am sure some will say these are wrong but maybe it will help someone.  Maybe as I get better I will no longer need to do some of these things.

    - I deflated my tire some.  (I know this one will have to be temporary.  I think I will add a little bit of air at a time.)
    - I have started putting my feet right up against the 9B1 and squeezing to hold it between my legs.  At first I was just trying to balance.  But I wasn't getting the bruises everyone was talking about.  Now I am getting bruises but I think they are just temporary.
    - Previously I feel I was trying to balance with my hips or with my entire leg (and maybe when my balance was way off this was necessary).  But I would usually start going straight for about 6 feet and then veer fairly sharp to the left (my first 'long' run the other day was a series of lefts, wobbly straights and sharp lefts, just enough to dodge curbs and cars).  It was a struggle to go right.  But while I was practicing in the kitchen today I found that if I pushed with the balls of my right foot I would veer to the right.  I think that helped me make the small adjustments that I needed to make when I was out today. 

Finally I want to say that I think that if I can do this just about anyone can.  I've done a lot of things in my life and I was usually a good student.  But I am getting old now and most of the things that I have done were when I was a child, teen or young adult.  And they were before I acquired some of my injuries and health issues.  But I think this practice is going improve the strength and coordination of the muscles needed for balance that I have, apparently, not been needing to use much.  One thing I never could do when I was a child was ride a unicycle. 

I hope this helps someone.

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In the beginning I practiced more inside than outside.  (Like you, it was not easy for me when I started.)  I think your practicing in the kitchen is paying off.  You are able to feel what works without the worry of... you know... the ground.  For me it was behind the couch (sofa).  

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In the beginning I practiced more inside than outside.  (Like you, it was not easy for me when I started.)  I think your practicing in the kitchen is paying off.  You are able to feel what works without the worry of... you know... the ground.  For me it was behind the couch (sofa).  

Yeah, I pretty much started outside but would do a little in the kitchen.  Just recently I've started doing more in the kitchen.  It's got a tile floor so it seems so smooth.  I can't go too far but many times I feel like I could go forever (if only there weren't cabinets in my way).  I don't have a sofa, just recliners and a love seat and it's against a wall. 

As I mentioned in another thread I've never had anyone willing to go out and help me.  sniff, sniff. 

If I figure out what works and improve soon I can ride around my neighborhood.  But I'm definitely not ready for sidewalks. 

Oh, and I want to add (for all you beginners) when I was going smoothly it was FUN, exhilarating, liberating and now I must have more.

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