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Hopefully somebody could help(Ninebot One)

Tishawn Fahie

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Hello all, talking about how cool this thing was (Ninebot One E plus) to some friends of mine they wanted to see it in action. Friday i took a small road trip from NY - Boston. Everybody thought it was cool and wanted to try it. Of course nobody was able to stay on for more than a second.


Anyway yesterday one of my friends took a nasty fall - He didn't get hurt but i saw him carry and pretty much said it wouldn't turn back on. Now i'm thinking to myself its ok this has happened before once i get to my hotel room i can hook it up to the charger.


And so i have it hooked up to the charger - I turns on with no problems but the moment i unplug the cord it shuts off. When I turn it on with out the charger i get a quick light and a beep before it shuts off again. The battery is full and when plugged the charger light is green. Hooking it up to the app displays the batter as fully charged as well.


Any pointers that could lead me to the right direction would be awesome. Not sure what to do at this point!

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Battery problem.

If you describe as you do to the customer service, they'll ask you to dismount the wheel and check the connectors are well plugged. If not solved, chances are they'll send you a replacement battery.

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@hobby16 you are correct - I just got home - took it apart and notice some tears in the blue plastic(battery) I tore it open to reveal the what I'm assuming is the BMS(chip on the battery). I saw one of the (capacitors or transistors dangling.


I taped it on and sure enough the device powered on. Since I'm not good at soldering I will try to get a battery replacement. Thank you so much. I purchased mine from Amazon. Do you know who I could contact to get an replacement. I know Ninebot has a website but i'm in the US not sure how it works.  


On a side note i'm wondering if shunting the battery would in crease or remove the tilt kickback from the ninebot? Here are some pictures of the ninebot battery - this is the E plus model...

@KaleOsaurusRex  - I purchased mine from Amazon. I believe the seller is from China. Yeah i'm not sure how the warrenty works.





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I taped it on and sure enough the device powered on. Since I'm not good at soldering I will try to get a battery replacement. Thank you so much. I purchased mine from Amazon. Do you know who I could contact to get an replacement. I know Ninebot has a website but i'm in the US not sure how it works.  


On a side note i'm wondering if shunting the battery would in crease or remove the tilt kickback from the ninebot? Here are some pictures of the ninebot battery - this is the E plus model...

Wow, your battery has taken a... battering ! Your friend has thrown it under the bus or what :blink:

I am afraid taping it won't be enough and can even be dangerous since it has cut power once and can repeat it again unless a thorough repair is made.

Shunting the battery removes the cutoff but not the tilt back or anything else. Necessary or not I can't tell, unless you can show it unwrapped and stripped down. But wait until you get a replacement battery before doing it of course. Nobody has shunted his Ninebot so far, so I can only presume it's a safe battery.

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@hobby16 I thought about sending a picture exposing the battery's BMS..Not sure why I didn't do it. I did get in contact with Ninebot they asked me to send them a picture of the motherboard on the actual unit itself. I'm waiting for a reply. I went ahead and ordered a new battery just incase they told me know. Was even considering soldering that piece back on. I will send photos exposing the battery as soon as I get home. Thank you very much for your response.

Your right - i taped it, it came on and I tried it for a good 5 seconds and it shut right off. Yes I was wearing full body armor. So sad couldnt ride to work this morning and was forced to take public transportation. Feel so different now.


Haha trust me you have no idea - I didn't see my friend fall but he came back walking and he was beat up pretty bad. I was on the forums and I remember @eraj mentioning something about her firewheel and how she's able to ride it a bit pass the speed limit.

The ninebot as soon as it approaches the speed limit your met with a tilt back.

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@KaleOsaurusRex  - I purchased mine from Amazon. I believe the seller is from China. Yeah i'm not sure how the warrenty works.

I would considder purchasing from amazon fairly safe, if you log in, you should be able to go to the order and contact the real supplier, there is also a A-Z-program, I think that is if you would like your money back.

I contacted lightintheboxeurope via amazon when my generic's battery went fubar, and they actually told me to return the wheel to get the money back. Since I at that time had already fixed the battery (changing a cell) they endeed up covering the expenses.

Since your ninebot one is a nice wheel, I would not mangle to much with before other options have ben tried.

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Somewhere all Ninebot is from China as it was invented in China. Try to find web link or contact number on the box, it should have had  the origignal white box. And should have come with a warranty book too. It is a bit of hussle but worth it if you can get a free battery replacement. I am wondering as well how was your friend able to damage that battery pack since i have had pretty bad falls so far and never damaged that part or any other part inside. O.o  Unless you jump off from a height then the that grey protective box could dislocate or come apart with the battery but that needs a tough hit.... so it's weird stuff. Anyway, good luck with supplier or seller whatsoever!

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put some tape (double sided tape/handlebar tape/foam) on the upper part of the battery. 

After seeing this blog ( http://blog.makeystreet.com/ninebot-one-tear-down-to-fix-a-puncture ) the battery-picture (last 2 pictures) look very nasty. 

Seems to be a comom problem ... my almost new Battery (no crashes) starts with some very small bumps too

this is my Ninebot One 388WH Battery - but its the same place on the original ... any tape will do as long as you still can close the lid.

keep your batteries safe and happy :)

PS if i rode on a dusty road everyday i would want something to keep the MB clean too  ...



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@Azuro hey man thanks for the response! - Yes it did come in the orignal white box. The manuel does have warranty information but everything looks to be in cantonese! (Assuming). I was able to go to the official website  that hobby16 recommended. He did respond to my email and has asked for a picture of the motherboard. I already sent it. I'm just waiting for a response. I'm rushing home to take apart the battery to send pictures and I might try to soldier the tiny transistor thats dangling.

@Blunzn - Thank you for posting that link - First it's weird i open my Ninebot and it was a bit dusty - but not compare to those on that blog. Looking at those pics made it clear where the punture's to the battery is coming from as well as how the dust/ dirt is getting in. I will take your advice and use some double sided tape. I see you was determined to get back on your real! Your brave my friend i took out the battery for the first time and I was a bit scared due to the tiny puncture. I dont want my house to burn down.. I'm glad you was able to get it going. Buying some tape now to cover those hooks! Thanks for the insite.


I think the puncture actually came from the the casing - those 3 hooks. My friend took that nasty fall that i guess hit against the casing. Just speculating who knows. I'm on a mission to get this resolved asap. I'm wondering if I have to send the old battery back if their replacing it.... 

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After seeing that teardown, IP65 my ass... :D 6 would mean 100% dust tight, ie. no particles can enter the critical parts, and 5 on liquids would mean that it should be able to take low pressure water jets from any direction for at least for 3 minutes without the water getting into critical parts. Looks like almost all the manufacturers cheat on the IP-rating.

Punctures in battery packs are always a bad thing, that looks like somewhat serious design flaw, better get some padding there. Hope you get your replacement soon!

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@esaj Yes I saw that blog and my god that's insane. Especially  after reading how water proof my ninebot is supposed to be. Trust me tonight I will start my repair project, padding and all. I meant to ask you I remember reading on one of your forums that you were able to ride your euc up to 30-35km with no tilt kick back and no shut off. Is that still the case?


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@esaj Yes I saw that blog and my god that's insane. Especially  after reading how water proof my ninebot is supposed to be. Trust me tonight I will start my repair project, padding and all. I meant to ask you I remember reading on one of your forums that you were able to ride your euc up to 30-35km with no tilt kick back and no shut off. Is that still the case?

Yes, that's on the shunted Firewheel, no shut down, and Firewheel doesn't have speed-based tilt-back at all (doesn't matter if it's shunted or not, it's in the firmware).

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Wow I may have to invest in that one then. I really need a faster model. This ninebotone is too slow at 21km  = about 12 - 13 mph...

thankyou for sharing does it matter which firewheel?

Here's my review on the Firewheel (F260):


If you choose to get a Firewheel, I'd suggest to go with at least F520 (528Wh), the F779 is a bit of a gimmick with the battery size, but it's still 696Wh. Do note the warnings about Firewheels' safety umm... "issues", with this wheel, I'd really suggest shunting the wheel, the idea of the wheel shutting off on you at somewhere >28km/h (>17mph) is so ridiculously dangerous, that I don't mind the added risk of fire. Plus I still ride it with full gear all the time (full-face helmet, large knee- & elbow-pads and good wristguards).

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@esaj Thank you very much I will purchase and follow your advice and shunt. I ride this thing to work I dont want to faceplant due to safety measures for the device and not the rider......

I should be wearing full gear - Now and days i'm only where calv protectors since the so called cushion seems to hurt my calves.

I greatly appreciate your advice!!

@hobby16 - Here are the photos as promised. I hope these help. I was able to solder the capacitor back on - the weird thing is once I did that it wouldn't power on. Even with the charger it wouldn't turn on.

I decided to remove the capacitor complete and now it's working - Im kinda worried as to why its working without the capacitor?


Any ideas?






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It appears that, finally, ninebot one battery have a BMS with overcharge cutoff (well designed, since I do not know any faceplant because it).

Regard to the capacitor, probably it is defective. You can measure C17 and then change C18 with another new capacitor, similar to it. It apperas to be a power filter capacitor for U2. Not very critical in capacity value I hope.

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@Jag_Rip - It's funny you mentioned that haha - I went to a park and did a test riding at full speed stopping short burst etc.. Felt like it was fixed then after about 30 minutes I was forced to slow down followed a beep sound every second. See the video below: After about 5 minutes it was back to normal. The app was also vibrating follow but of course it wouldn't say what the problem was....


Seem to be operating normal - I also notice the battery was draining alot faster than normal - Maybe I'm over thinking it - I'm going to do more test.





@Rotator - Ah ok makes sense - The weird thing is i'm able to ride without it. Should I worry? If i solder it back on the device cease to function.

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I ride mine to work as well and I had moments on my way back when the battery would start doing its "low battery safety thing" slowing the bot down to 10 respectively to 5 and beeping and lifting my toes. After arriving home, I checked the battery and it would be shy under 40%. So I guess it will "estimate" your future consumption based on power used before. I got a short but hefty hill on my way and that taxes the engine pretty hard with my 90kg.

But in your vid it sounds like a beep code (like on the old PCs when e.g. ram wasnt mounted correctly) I wonder if @mengke knows or can ask Ninebot Inc for information.


EDIT: is your temp at 150F normal? It seems hot to me, but then again I think in °C.

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EDIT: is your temp at 150F normal? It seems hot to me, but then again I think in °C.

15 mph also seems high?

150 Fahrenheit = around 65 degrees Celsius, do note that the motor is being used near its rated nominal power (if Ninebots have 500W motors), 54.35V * 8.8A = 478.28W. I was under the impression that the max speed for Ninebot One E+ (not "normal" E) is around 24km/h = around 15mph.

65 degrees does sound a bit high, although probably not high enough to cause any damage yet. But it could be that a temperature protection has triggered and that's why the wheel is beeping and showing red lights.

Edit: The battery picture also shows that the cells are LG DB MG1's, here's the spec sheets, if anyone wants them: http://www.sot.com.tw/images/11.pdf

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@Jag_Rip - weird i've never had that problem at all. I've had the device overheat once but it was more of just slowing me down to 6mph and maybe 3 beeps. I think its related to the capacitor. I rode in to work this morning and noticed right away it went from a full charge down to 50% which is not normal for a 30 minute ride. I just brought my battery over to a repair shop i'm having them look at it. They claim they can fix it so we'll see.

@esaj - I'm not sure what the right temperature is suppose to be but if 65 degrees celsius is not normal i'm wondering if it's related to my battery issue. I'll test when the new battery arrives(2 months from now apparently). I'm hoping to get my battery repaired today 

@dpong - yes that was the reason why i purchased the nineone bot - speed and safety for the rider. I'm now starting to think the safety is a bit much! I'm looking into the firewheel I need something faster. 14-15 in manhattan is a bit too slow. I want the gotway since the top speed is 40km but nobody is selling it in the US. And to purchase it overseas i'd have to wait a long time.

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