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Where to buy Ninebot Tubes (Online)


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Good news.  I don't have a flat yet.  But some say it's only a matter of time.  So I am trying to be proactive here.  Where online can you buy a Ninebot tube (16" x 2.125) with a valve angled like the stock one to where you can ALMOST get to it.


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When my beater wheel got a flat I ordered the 14-inch version of this tube from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/16x2-125-Angled-Valve-electric-Bike/dp/B00G5KN12S/

It seemed like the original tube either had a weak spot or perhaps the valve stem was a little off center in the hole and that caused it to wear around the valve. So if you do replace the tube be sure that the valve stem is in the right position before inflating it.



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