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@RideMc You ordered already?

The artwheel Amazon prices are crazy high, 680Wh 18A costs more than 1680 Wh 18S (as per ewheels)!! Ebay looks more reasonable.

If you really want to save money (and can wait a little) you could order from Aliexpress directly from Kingsong or one of the other good (cheap) sellers.

You could also ask @Jason McNeil (ewheels.com) if he has an 18 non-S right now that he can ship immediately if you can't wait (website shows 18S only) and what the prices are.

Finally, you could contact the artwheel guys and ask some questions. They seem to be a legitimate seller after all.


In Australia, Milbay has (had?) rebrands of Kingsong, so somehow rebranding seems to be a thing with KS.

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