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Life expectancy all eucs


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I wonder how many years the motherboard is supposed to stay fit and strong , do I wear it out and should change to a new one after 100000 km or more less  ?
When I go fishing on my Kingsong 18A then I have short peaks up yo 70 amps , normaly its around 20 amps , upphill downhill measured today on a mountain , asphalt road up to 2000 w
70x65 should teoretically mean 4450 watt but I didnt look at my wheellog at the time , I wish for further development so it records volt to. I use wheellog every day and I like it.

So many parameters , can the battery pack handle the power or should I add more batteries ?
What is the maximum power the motherboard can give ?
Cables , dimension ?

I touch the motor after a hard driving but its not hot , mostly similar to body temp , sometimes a little bit more

The better I know how to drive it the more power I expect from it , in the beginning I was driving like a pussy-cat now its more on the limit and I look forward to new stronger models ment
for traffic as an alternativ to bicycles cars , i'm happy with my euc but I cant understand how a friend here could go up and down the same mountain with a noname 210w motor  132wh battery euc without falling



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