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What kind of EUC enthusiast are you?

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It's clear that there are a number of different types of EUC enthusiast on this forum. Probably most of us fit into at least one or more of the categories below. What kind of enthusiast are you? Feel free to add any categories I might have missed (there's probably a few more to add), or elaborate on and/or humorize any of the categories :)

  1. The "trick" enthusiast - for the trick enthusiast it's all about perfecting your skills and doing tricks. You more than likely spend far too much time practising. 
  2. The "muscle wheel" enthusiast - for the "muscle wheel enthusiast", it's all about faster speed, further range and power. You may or may not push your precious wheel to the limit.
  3. The "speed freak" enthusiast - for you, you feel the need for speed and to push your wheel to it's limits. Hopefully you wear suitable protection and ride near a hospital. 
  4. The "wheel hoarder" - your wheel collection rivals Imelda Marcos's shoe collection and you are always looking out for your next purchase. If it's new, you have got to have it.
  5. The "brand fan (aka snob)" enthusiast - you are hooked on a particular brand which you will defend to the end, even if you have to paper over some glaring shortcomings and bend the truth just slightly.
  6. The "mod" enthusiast - you can't help yourself from modifying your wheel(s), always looking for ways in which you can add improvements or make your wheel look awesome. 
  7. The "nerd or techy" enthusiast - your interest lies in the science of EUCs and like to take everything back to physics and mathematical equations.
  8. The "off road" enthusiast - you like to take your wheel off road and to the back of beyond.
  9. The "commuter" enthusiast - you generally use your wheel for commuting and getting out and about.
  10. The "leisure" enthusiast - you use your wheel for exploring.
  11. The "social group riding" enthusiast - you principally enjoy participating in group rides.


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I am definitely a commuter

I am also a bit of nrs 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9. 

The wheel makes me wanna get around with the very pleasant experience of doing it on an EUC. Enjoying nature too. Go everywhere, everypath. Do not know how to define this as a catogory ... I often just step on and see where it leads me this time. 

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My first EUC is on order, so I can't speak from experience, but the reasons I ordered it put me into the muscle wheel category:  I'm over 200 lbs. and live around a lot of steep hills.  

As lower power wheels might not even let me get back up my own driveway, it was either get a real strong one or get nothing at all.

So I'm there pretty much by default.

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I'm 7 and 10 but my main reason for liking EUCs is that I have always (since early childhood) loved the idea of being propelled or transported by a small device that I can control and that requires little to no physical exertion.

Electric skateboards, e-bikes, segways, EUCs and electric paragliders all interest me greatly. The more compact the device, the better. It's the closest thing I can get to a personal teleportation device. 

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The only reason I bought a EUC is because my car cannot hold a bike inside. The folding bikes don't work either. So I am a "Leisure" rider who has no other practical choice. My cheap EUC turned out to be better than a bike, which was a pleasant surprise.

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