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Difference between Msuper v3 1600wh and the 1640wh

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Where did you find the 1640 variant? Unless it's something new, ignore it, it is no longer available and was for China only.

The 84V msupers (1300,1600) are 25% more powerful than the 67V (680,820). So the 1640/1680 Wh (not sure) would be 67V just with a bigger battery. I would not buy it (unless the price is really really good) because they were produced a long time ago, before Gotway improved some things that needed improving.

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5 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Where did you find the 1640 variant? Unless it's something new, ignore it, it is no longer available and was for China only.

The 84V msupers (1300,1600) are 25% more powerful than the 67V (680,820). So the 1640/1680 Wh (not sure) would be 67V just with a bigger battery. I would not buy it (unless the price is really really good) because they were produced a long time ago, before Gotway improved some things that needed improving.

It is on the site E-wheels.no. They changed the name from Msuper v3 1600wh to the v3 1640wh yesterday.

Maybe they made a mistake. I ordered a Msuper v3 1600 from that site last week and i was worried that i now would get the 1640version.

But they also upped the price by like 500usd.

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I can't explain it. You could ask them if the 1640 Wh is the 84V version, or what the battery configuration is, or if it is just an error on their site.


The usual "1600" Wh with 84V is 6 * 20 cells * 3.5 Ah per cell * 3.7V = 1554 Wh so it makes no sense to call that 1640 Wh.

The 67V comes out to (I believe, the closest I can get to 1640) 8 * 16 cells * 3.5 Ah per cell * 3.7V = 1657 Wh (which usually is rounded to 1680, or 1640 maybe?)

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