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Gotway has overcome Ninebot as regard posts on this forum


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And now, after a long time of pole position, Ninebot has been overcome by Gotway. 

8865 posts for Gotway vs 8844 posts for Ninebot on this forum.

Does this mean that Gotway is going to become the most important and larger EUC's manufacturer?

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Unless Ninebot starts to put out some new innovative products, they do seem to be going the way of the dodo bird.  Don't get me wrong, I love riding my Ninebot and it has been a super reliable wheel for me.  It does seem to be a little on the slow side and under-powered for my liking now as I seem to be only getting 16 kms before hitting 20% battery so the pack is starting to show it's age.

They also killed off their dealer network very effectively so maybe they are more commited to pursuing other interests.  If the Gotway Monster is the Cadillac or Bentley of the EUC world, the Ninebot One E+ is like an old 90's or 00's GM Detroit lead sled that is showing it's age.  It still rides and is capable, but there are more modern offerings available.

I still like the firmware though as it just responds in a safe manner to keep the speeds within operating parameters.  I haven't had a cut out yet, but as my battery pack ages it is in the back of my mind to prepare of an eventual fall/tucknroll/intimate ashphalt encounter.

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3 hours ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Unless Ninebot starts to put out some new innovative products, they do seem to be going the way of the dodo bird.  Don't get me wrong, I love riding my Ninebot and it has been a super reliable wheel for me.  It does seem to be a little on the slow side and under-powered for my liking now as I seem to be only getting 16 kms before hitting 20% battery so the pack is starting to show it's age.

They also killed off their dealer network very effectively so maybe they are more commited to pursuing other interests.  If the Gotway Monster is the Cadillac or Bentley of the EUC world, the Ninebot One E+ is like an old 90's or 00's GM Detroit lead sled that is showing it's age.  It still rides and is capable, but there are more modern offerings available.

I still like the firmware though as it just responds in a safe manner to keep the speeds within operating parameters.  I haven't had a cut out yet, but as my battery pack ages it is in the back of my mind to prepare of an eventual fall/tucknroll/intimate ashphalt encounter.

Yes you will learn a whole new definition of caressing your skin. Dear Asphalt just like to rip it off indiscriminately.

I dont like the analogy.

GOTWAY is power, fast, minimal safety left to the rider, bad workmanship, fragile design but more exciting. I own an MCM4 hs which i like a lot.

NineBot one, Solowheel, Inmotion are more like designer items, more refined, slow speed, but like designer clothing it looks great, very well made and use higher technology.

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Hi, I think that Gotway is the company who has the most diverse EUC to offer, and they must be at least head to head with ninebot regarding EUC sales, they have :

- Pocket M5

- M8

- M10 (geared & DD)

- luffy

- MCM2s

- MCM3

- MCM4 (V1, V2 HT & HS version)

- ACM (67V à 84V)

- Msuper 2 (HT, medium & HS version)

- Msuper 3 (67V à 84V)

- Monster

All with several battery choices...Gotway is nowhere near from perfect, but they are trying hard to expand the EUC market, unlike Solowheel who seem stuck with their first models. Also, when the forum began, there were much more ninebot owners that gotway owners, but now I think that because of the limited range of the ninebots, most have moved on to other brands, Gotway being the most extreme, it seems natural that gotway topics are the most popular :)

1 hour ago, Paddylaz said:

The gotway 'sound' is the only thing stopping me from considering one of those beasts.

Never seen one in the flesh but in videos it sounds horrendous. Do all models suffer from it?

Not all gotway "whistle", in fact from my experience, the more poweful the motor is, the louder it is, for example my MCM2s berely makes any noise at low speed, my Monster is very noisy, my MCM4 is intermediate...but this is the same for Kingsong, I would even say that considering the power output, the Kingsong are even louder (the KS18A I had was as loud as the Monster), even the Inmotion V8 is loud compared to my MCM2s...the EUC that makes the less amount of noise is the F528 from what I've tested, but it was a 550W motor (500W for the MCM2s) I think that the sound is related to power, not much to the brand.

The sound is proportional to the amount of current demanded to the EUC, which means, once again, a light rider will have a less noisy ride than a heavy rider :D

It's due to the current going through the wires in the stators I think.

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Ninebot made excellent E+ years ago (some still in use/ running)... but they just stopped, burned their bridges with dealers/ customers. They either have other interests or just a very, very dump people in charge.

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Gotway seem to be the only ones actually wanting to sell wheels. At least you can see them constantly trying to bring out what customers want, make new stuff, etc.


Ninebot has done nothing for how long now, and even managed to abandon their dealers needlessly.

Inmotion has the stupid geolocking and seems to refuse to build bigger, higher battery, stronger wheels; maybe in preparation for expected regulation doing their work for them (which I don't think is going to work out for them).

Solowheel has utterly failed to build any kind of competitive EUC, despite being the inventors.

Kingsong are the only others who even seem to be trying. But they still won't provide bigger batteries (with exception of the KS18) and stronger motors (= safety and acceleration, not just speed), and while I appreciate their focus on safety first, their development process seems slower than necessary. I'm also getting the feeling they are being picky with distributors (maybe to keep price competition under control, see refusing to service Ali bought wheels), whereas Gotway will seemingly sell to everyone who buys. It feels easier to buy GW than KS (at least here where UK importing reduces the crazy Euro prices).


So no wonder people go Gotway when it's the path of least resistance and the other manufacturers are just twiddling their thumbs and doing whatever (KS semi-exempted, I guess they are ok).

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Ninebot were doing well until they -

A -  Took a massive dump on all their re-sellers that worked hard to get them known and sell their products including Ian from Speedy Feet with numerous of videos featuring Ninebot's with riding techniques, tear downs, reviews and tips and advice. This is the main error they made. I haven't heard anything about Ninebot since.


B - Stopped progressing? I haven't seen anything in a while regarding battery upgrades or new wheels? They seem to have given up after the S2? The problems they had with the P seemed to stop them in their tracks for a while?

With Gotway working on bigger wheels and bigger batteries so riders can go on longer, more comfortable rides AND having Ian from Speedy Feet on board, with his reviews and current 1000 mile ride for charity which is also a good stress test and advertisement for the Monster, the likes of Ninebot don't stand a chance. Also @Marty Backe with his videos, reviews and stories with various Gotways helps too. :) 

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2 hours ago, Carlos E Rodriguez said:

Yes you will learn a whole new definition of caressing your skin. Dear Asphalt just like to rip it off indiscriminately.

I dont like the analogy.

GOTWAY is power, fast, minimal safety left to the rider, bad workmanship, fragile design but more exciting. I own an MCM4 hs which i like a lot.

NineBot one, Solowheel, Inmotion are more like designer items, more refined, slow speed, but like designer clothing it looks great, very well made and use higher technology.

I think you are dead on with that description of the companies. 

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2 hours ago, Paddylaz said:

The gotway 'sound' is the only thing stopping me from considering one of those beasts.

Never seen one in the flesh but in videos it sounds horrendous. Do all models suffer from it?

I only notice the noise when the wheel is stopped - once it's moving the wind noise blocks it. 
It's helpful for others / dogs to hear you coming.

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You have to keep in mind that the manufacturers all have other products to consider, such as 2-wheelers, hoverboards, skateboards, etc.  Part of what we are observing is each manufacturer's response to a developing and uncertain marketplace.

For example, Solowheel is known for developing the first EUCs but it's a small company driven by the interests of one inventor. If his interest goes elsewhere, so does the company. My guess is that he's decided it's not worth fighting the wave of cheaper products coming out of China, so he's thinking about something else.

Ninebot/Segway seems to be looking for the ideal "mass market" product. Rather than developing more EUCs, they may have decided to try to try to develop just one that they can sell at $599 in large quantities.  From that perspective, making longer range/more powerful EUCs is just narrowing their market to a relatively few enthusiasts—a dilution of their efforts. If they ever find the magic formula for an EUC that can be sold at stores like Dick's Sporting Goods, they'll be in the money.

Inmotion has found a niche with their very attractive V5 and V8 designs, striking a balance between functionality and appearance.  They've been referred to as "the new Ninebot" and I tend to agree. 

KingSong and Gotway have gone for the "bigger is better" market with more long-range battery options than the competition.  But eventually they will find the upper limit of that segment. The Monster might be it.  Where will they go then? 

Any of these companies much invent something entirely new that strikes a chord with the mass market.  I'm sure they all want to.  If that happens, watch as most manufacturers rush to copy it. Some may even abandon their EUC products altogether.  It's the nature of a developing product marketplace to have lots of change occur in the first few years.  We're just going to have to roll with it ... :D

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6 hours ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

... 16 kms before hitting 20% battery so the pack is starting to show it's age.


Sounds strange... I could assume some deteriorating cells in your 9b1 battery pack then. Either that or you've gained some weight in wintertime :D. Or you've just been used to longer range in warmer weather. I bought my 9b1 in february last year so for me the range went from OK (winter) to great (summer). I can think that those who bought their EUC's in summer months got spoiled by the ideal battery running conditions IMHO.


As to why Gotway is more in the wind right now - there are plenty of good points made here already. And I do agree with most of them. @Carlos E Rodriguez is spot on with his description of brands. I would rather get an Inmotion (no an easy task!) than Gotway or Kingsong as Inmotion is much nearer in quality and safety to Ninebot.

KS and GW are the enemies (literally, owners used to work together but went different ways and now they refuse to talk to each other) so they try to beat eachother in who's products are largest battery/motor/case -wise, forgetting about things like rider safety, materials quality and craftmanship... Don't wanna be a test subject/victim in their fight.

So for me, if my attempts to obtain a v8 locally fails, I will try to buy a new and better battery from 1radwerkstatt and maybe even reprogram the 9b1 to higher speed.


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It is not surprising that the number of post about GW exceeds 9B1, because most ACTIVE forum members here did or will upgrade from their starter machine to GWs. The sales number of 9B1 is still >> than GW, judging from photos of French group rides.


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1 hour ago, Vik's said:

Sounds strange... I could assume some deteriorating cells in your 9b1 battery pack then. Either that or you've gained some weight in wintertime :D. Or you've just been used to longer range in warmer weather. I bought my 9b1 in february last year so for me the range went from OK (winter) to great (summer). I can think that those who bought their EUC's in summer months got spoiled by the ideal battery running conditions IMHO.


As to why Gotway is more in the wind right now - there are plenty of good points made here already. And I do agree with most of them. @Carlos E Rodriguez is spot on with his description of brands. I would rather get an Inmotion (no an easy task!) than Gotway or Kingsong as Inmotion is much nearer in quality and safety to Ninebot.

KS and GW are the enemies (literally, owners used to work together but went different ways and now they refuse to talk to each other) so they try to beat eachother in who's products are largest battery/motor/case -wise, forgetting about things like rider safety, materials quality and craftmanship... Don't wanna be a test subject/victim in their fight.

So for me, if my attempts to obtain a v8 locally fails, I will try to buy a new and better battery from 1radwerkstatt and maybe even reprogram the 9b1 to higher speed.


I think you should sell it at a discount and use the money to buy the EUC you want.  

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11 hours ago, Carlos E Rodriguez said:

I think you should sell it at a discount and use the money to buy the EUC you want.  

Nah.. No need to sell it. I like it very much, there is plenty of range for me, power and speed yet stylish so there no reason to part with it. If I'll buy a new wheel it's to expand my EUC fleet

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Before Ninebot releases a new version EUC, the situation will not change. Gotway will keep on having more posts.

Once the PLEV is in place next year, EUCs under 25km/h can be driven on bike path without having a license like a bike. Speed and longer distance don't really matter that much in my opinion. Besides, Ninebot is focusing on the short distance commune, not long range travel. I don't think they will ever come up with a new machine that can drive longer than 30km in single charge.

If you want to have a reliable EUC that costs less than EUR600, Ninebot One E+ is still a pretty good choice.

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