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Ninedroid and Apple Watch


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Just got my Ninebot One last Saturday and spend all my spare time now riding on this beast. Yesterday I wanted to explore a bit the Ninedroid App and played with it whilst riding. However, holding my bloody phone in one hand all the time is neither comfortable, nor does it look cool, right!

Has anyone, (maybe especially the distributors or dealers of Ninebot) any idea, if the company is planning to upgrade the App for Apple Watch? If yes when would that be and if not, whom to contact in order to send a respective proposal?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think holding your phone in your hand while riding does look cool.  Now if you can manage the affectation of looking totally bored at the same time, they will find a spot for you in all of the AirWheel ads. B)

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I've been asking the same question about the Gotway and KingSong apps with the Pebble Time.

I get the idea it will need someone with the skills to develop the app to actually have an interest in eucs as well.

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