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Bullies attached Rider


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Oh this pisses me off! Hope they find the bastards! 

1 hour ago, Jason McNeil said:

Poor guy, I'm sending him out a set of replacement parts...

Way to go Jason!:thumbup: 

Edit:  I am just steaming over this! For those that don't believe in guns to protect yourself this is a situation where the guy is completely surrounded by three assailants with no means to escape! He would have been completely justified to pull the trigger and blow them away!

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This pisses me off man, worthless son of bitches, that's why I carry my 40 cal everywhere I go let one someone try to beat me up for my Unicycle I'll make sure the cops don't hear their side of the story

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3 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

He would have been completely justified to pull the trigger....

Agreed, @Rehab1. I am an NRA pistol and self defense instructor in my spare time (when I have any!) and I agree. Guns are not evil, they are simply a tool that is useful to defend oneself from real evil in this world. Guns are the great "equalizer" that allows the innocent to defend themselves from evil whether or not the attacker is younger, stronger or attacks you en masse. Where I would disagree with you is in your choice of language: If faced with the situation, I train my students to "stop the threat," not to blow someone away. If it ends up in the fatality of the attacker or attackers, then so be it. But all we should want is for the attack to stop. 

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I think a big part of the problem is that if you pull a weapon, you have to be prepared to have it used against you and also face consequences of using that weapon on others.  When you consider the trouble that police officers have when they use deadly force, I wonder how lenient the investigators and  courts are for citizens in similar situations.  If the EUC rider whipped a gun out, and in the heat of the moment dropped it allowing one of the perpetrators to grab it there could be a murder investigation instead of a victim walking away with some bruises and a story to tell.

Ideally we all imagine "Dirty Harry" situations where the bad guys always lose, but when faced with a high stress situation things can take a different path quickly.  I'm just glad the EUC rider is okay to ride another day, and I hope they catch the attackers to bring them to justice.  Do people deserve to be killed for mugging someone?  Maybe?  I don't know.  At what point do you think it's okay to kill someone?

If the rider had a gun and successfully killed all three attackers, would he be in trouble if there was no video evidence?  Sure he had some bruises and a broken helmet, but imagine what the families of the attackers would be saying about the deaths?  Family members of criminals always have something good to say about them when interviewed on TV.

The EUC rider could then be facing manslaughter charges and time in jail, or do you think he would be let free without any repercussions?    Now imagine if he killed one attacker, severely injured the next, and paralyzed the third requiring a lifetime of extended care and medical bills.  Do you think the families and lawyers would not want to pursue charges regardless of the attackers' culpability in the crime?

It's a very complicated path once you throw weapons into the mix.  Justice isn't always a black and white subject unfortunately.

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About two years ago I was riding my hoverboard on the sidewalk. I saw in the distance coming my way three young black thugs. I use the word thugs because that is what they proved themselves to be. As I came closer, I moved to the side to let them pass and said a friendly greeting to what I believed were three nice black guys no different from any typical person one meets on the street. They pushed me off the hoverboard. As I lay on the ground, they picked up my hoverboard and ran off. This all transpired in probably less than a minute.

I was thankful that the encounter wasn't any worse. It's very possible one or more of the attackers could pull a knife or a gun, but thanks to the Lord they did not. Nevertheless, I was surprised how traumatized I felt for weeks thereafter. It gave me a new level of sympathy for victims of "real" violent crime.


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But I absolutely disagree that this situation warrants lethal force. If your life is truly threatened or at risk, then yes. But to kill someone (or three people) over a EUC or a fat lip? This particular American says no way.

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Wow. This reaffirms the need to keep really aware of your surrounds and pay attention to your internal gut instinct to avoid this and what happened to @MaxLinux   When in doubt keep a wide berth around people you don't know when in isolated surroundings.

Let's hope they catch these guys, but the odds are long that they will.

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20 hours ago, who_the said:


But to kill someone (or three people) over a EUC or a fat lip? This particular American says no way.

But how do you know that your attackers are going to stop at a fat lip?The man in the article actually suffered a concussion too. A deadly blow to the head could have just as easily been the result.

 According to the FBI UCR data from 2015, 624 people were murdered with hands, fists, feet, etc. I do not have any reason to believe that someone attacking me has any intention to stop short off killing me. How would anyone know that? If you value your life less than that of a criminal's, that is indeed your choice, and you can act accordingly. But I chose to live, and to potentially save the lives of other potential future victims of the same attackers by acting within the well established parameters of the laws in my state.

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Some of you are indeed overthinking things.  If you are being attacked by a full grown man or even a strong teenager, you could indeed be seriously or permanently injured or even killed. Pretty easily too.  If you're attacked by three men?  You are absolutely in mortal danger.  

There's no way of you knowing when they will stop, or if it will be too late when they do.  They probably won't even know; a thug is not a doctor, and three of them rampaging on an innocent are not exactly in control of their emotions or prone to good judgment.

If you think you're Bruce Lee so it would be ignoble to have or use a gun instead of just engaging thugs one at a time in the honorable fashion, good luck.  If you realize that in a violent encounter you will almost always be at a disadvantage but still feel like rolling the dice with your survival, remain unarmed and hope for the best.  Some people are fine with that. 

Others arm themselves.  Either way there can be severe consequences, as we are by definition not talking about trivial matters.  

Personally, I'd much rather be the one doing the choosing as to who lives and dies, if one of the people who might die is me.  I respect other people's rights to believe whatever they like and not protect themselves or their families.  Given the choice, though, I would rather make my own decisions in that regard and not have them made for me by someone else.


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On 4/27/2017 at 0:24 AM, who_the said:


But I absolutely disagree that this situation warrants lethal force. If your life is truly threatened or at risk, then yes. But to kill someone (or three people) over a EUC or a fat lip? This particular American says no way.

If you are actively being beat up especially by 3 people like what happened in this case, then off bets are off and you should be able to defend yourself however you can which should include lethal force. You are putting your lives in the hands of thugs if all you do is just go into the fetal position and cover your head.

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12 minutes ago, Dingfelder said:

Handy but illegal in some places.

true; though in virginia, as long as it's not spring-propelled and in plain sight, you're good to go

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Damn, you guys sound like a bunch of racists. ;)

I will say I regard young black men in loose clothing, and some young black girls too, with great suspicion whenever they approach me because one learns very quickly how dangerous young men are in public transportation system. Four times now I have encountered wildly hostile young black people in situations similar to MaxLinux and his hoverboard, and now I notice my default behavior towards young black men is to be courteous but very suspicious until proven otherwise. It's statistical common sense.

Yet some of my best friends, who are the most loyal and helping to me, are young black males with loose clothing and an attitude. I've noticed virtually all my white liberal friends have never lived in a mostly black neighborhood (I have), and when they use the term, "bad neighborhood", I stop them and ask them what makes a neighborhood bad. Inevitably the answer is poor black people.

That right there is gentrification (or denegrofication) and it is being done by liberal white people no less. My girlfriend is a white college professor and these people have done an excellent job of isolating themselves from people unlike them. Yet I cannot fault them for that; they probably don't know a single black thug. Me, I spent years in a boxing gym, and so it just is. Loyalty is probably more important to young black men when they don't have much going on, and maybe that's why perceived disloyalty is met with such a display of violence. White people usually just sulk and unfriend on Facebook.

But you know what? What made this country great? Young men with guns. Desperados. They came, they saw, they went from the east coast to the west coast in just four generations against a determined foe. Now here we are and that capacity and skill for violence can't just be turned off. People whine about guns, but if it weren't for guns you wouldn't be here. History is full of peaceful civilizations in the trash heap.


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Update on Devin Dumas. As you may realize by my previous comments this case bothers me immensely!  Simply put...I Hate Bullies! 

i spoke to the Westminster Police Department this morning. A case # has been assigned (#2017-06610) but to date there have been no arrests. The detective in charge is Jeff Black. I have left the detective a voice mail. Hopefully  he can shed more light as the case proceeds. 

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On 4/28/2017 at 9:14 AM, kour said:

true; though in virginia, as long as it's not spring-propelled and in plain sight, you're good to go

Almost bought one, but then realized the attacker would be likely to take it from my wimpy person and use it against me:(  Would be of good use if I knew how to fight, though.  I'm thinking non lethal, like pepper spray.  That way, even if the bad guy takes it from you and uses it against you, the weapon itself won't kill you.


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