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KS16 Magnetic pedal tutorial?


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Hey all,

Ive seen a bunch of you guys with the magnetic pedal mod but I can't seem to figure out how you guys did it? Did you just loosen the bolts so that the pedals fall down and then superglue magnets to the shell? Or is there some other trick to loosening the pedal so that you can drop them? Right now the only way the pedals are coming down is if I reach down and grab them.

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It is easy to remove springs, but before You do it - buy 4 pcs of flat magnets, and think about how to install them in Your specific case - I have used double sided tape to glue 3d printed spacers (to hold the pedals up) straight.  Decide if You want to get rid of heavy and useless rubber to replace it into grip....

If you have the access to the 3d printer I can publish .stl files for pedal insert and for spacer -  I have used 14x3mm magnets in my project...

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