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Help me pick a new EUC


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I currently have a 2.5 year old Ninebot One E.  It has over 1,000 miles, and has been perfect.  The problem is that the battery has degraded to less than 50% capacity, and I am faced with spending either $300 towards a new battery, or buying a new unit.  I am leaning towards a new unit...

My requirements:

1) Unit must have a stellar reputation.  I do not want a unit that is prone to shutdowns.  I have never had this with the One, and I expect a safe unit (I won'y buy a cheap brand).

2) Unit must have a real world range of 10-15 miles.  I do not want more range.  I don't want the weight or expense of carrying around a large battery that I'll never use.

3) A cruising speed around 12 MPH is fine for me.   I DO want a bigger motor, however.  At 12 MPH, I don't want to be able to overpower the unit and topple the gyro.  I would prefer a motor with a constant power rating of MORE than 500 watts.

4) Don't want an ugly unit.


I would buy another Ninebot, but they seem to have one foot out the door with EUCs.

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For your Need, the perfect answer seams to be:

Inmotion V8

- Top Notch Quality,

- More than enough range and that with one of the lowest weights,

- stronger as the 9B, has nominal 800Watts motor

- Nice Shell, even the LED segments are a big upgrade (and can be powered off if not needed!

- best Price, Quality Relationship in EUC market

That are just some of the advanteges of an Inmotion V8...like said, it should be perfect for you!!!

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16 minutes ago, CarZin said:

Sounds like the v8 is a great machine.

It is no "Performance Monster" like the crazy-fast-batterie-heavy Gotways...but in it's class up to 30kmh it's the wheel where i can not remember of just one real negative Report/Review!

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I already have a v5f+ and I'm still tempted to get a v8.

I'd be very interested in seeing what materials the V5 and the V8 are made of. I suspect there's not much steel at all in my wheel, but mostly aluminum and maybe magnesium/titanium. 

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2 hours ago, Darren said:

Kingsong14D 420Wh 800W;   KIngsong16A420Wh 800W;    kingsong16A 680Wh,800W.  battery is original Sanyo or Panasonic brand

kingsong has wide battery size to choose


KS-16A specification.pdf

If you dont need to carry it, I say 16 inch wheel with highest battery power.

That said, I think the specs you quoted are the older models. I think the newer model for 16 have stronger motors? If you buy the old models I would be pushing for a large discount.

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4 hours ago, CarZin said:

Sounds like the v8 is a great machine.

I love mine.  From what it looks like in another post, you may have just ordered one!?!?  If so, congrats!  It's my first EUC and the better I get, the more I am enjoying this machine.  Maybe at some point I'll need more speed and range, but for now I'm cruising around 10-11mph and 15mph seems to be plenty of speed for me.  I'm traveling around 3-4 miles in about 20+ minutes.  Looking forward to taking some longer trips but I have no doubt that I'll enjoy the longer ones on this EUC.  The wobbling has taken some time to get used to but it seems like I've got the pressure about right (42 psi) and as I get better I seem to be able to make adjustments to my foot placement and how much pressure I apply to the side of the EUC which helps.  Anyway, hope you enjoy your new ride!

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