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[Gotway ACM 16] Melted pin


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Hi there,

I was taking my wheel apart to change my tire, the connector slipped and one of the pin touched a metal screw driver which "melted" the pin (here's what it looks like now, see pin.jpg).

I am hoping that connector is used to power up the LEDs at the back and if so I can live without. Would anyone be able to tell just by looking at the picture attached (i.e. conn.jpg).



Highlighted cable coming from the charger port in blue.




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Isnt that wire coming  from the charge port? These are the type of connectors that gotway used to use for battery charging. Perhaps leds are the same connector, not sure.  You can get a new connector and resolder it if its the charging connector though.

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Thanks for your reply Cloud, I've edited the picture and highlighted the cable coming from the charger port in blue.

I had a closer look just now and the cable with the melted pin is connected to another cable coming from the battery on the side, so I guess it's not used to power the LEDs but to connect the two batteries together.

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