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Tires thread: for the speed devils

Roue Libre

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Hi all,

After "only" 750 km on my Ninebot One E+ I decided to change the tire. It was not really necessary but I was feeling a kind of decrease of performance, increased tilt back in the last 100km. I was wondering if my battery pack was getting weaker but it was cheaper to try changing the tire first :)

So I did, I replaced original one with this one
It is actually not the original one but a thinner one (1.95 vs 2.125 inches). Because of that thinner size I feel it a bit harder to jump/mount on the EUC. But I'll deflate it a little bit and see if it makes it more stable. I think 45psi is too much on a thin tire, I'm not very heavy (less than 70kg).

Now the nice part: it goes faster ! Yes a new tire makes a difference. I didn't measure my speed but I felt it faster, better acceleration and less tilt back when accelerating. So guys, if you feel your EUC is not as fast as you wish, if it has a quite high mileage, first consider changing the tire. Much cheaper than buying a faster one or changing battery :D 

Have fun !

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