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KS16 Firmware update suggestions

August Y

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Im here to voice some real annoyances with the KS firmware I wish they would fix.

1. No "Hello Kingsong" ever... I cant hit the aux button to setup my speaker to play music with out the damn thing yelling. so annoying (would be great if we can upload our own mp3's for startup sound too)

2. Shut the lights off and keep them off (even on power down/up of cycle)

3. Ability to have front/rear light locked in position. (even on power down/up of cycle)

4. option to setup some sort of walking mode so when you pick up wheel it doesnt enter high speed mode and freak out when you are walking up stairs.

5. more to come.

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1. No "Hello Kingsong" ever...  while keeping other voice warnings.

2. Shut the lights off and keep them off (even on power down/up of cycle)... and if they're ON, keep them ON even on power down/up.

3. Ability to have front/rear light locked in position. (even on power down/up of cycle)

4. option to setup some sort of walking mode so when you pick up wheel it doesnt enter high speed mode and freak out when you are walking up stairs. This could perhaps be deducted from a very high rotational speed rise despite low energy consumption.

5. When front/rear lights are in Auto mode, add a delay (example: one minute) before shutting them off after the ligth sensor goes out of darkness (to prevent the front/rear lights from flashing when riding under each lamppost).

6.  Add a soft continuous beeping alarm when speed goes between a min and max values (example: beep between 5 and 10 km/h) to automatically and gently warn pedestrians that we are slowly coming behind them.

7. more to come.

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