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Xtreme vibrates when stressed

Tim Koffler

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I bought an Xtreme several weeks ago and have noticed when I climb hills or ride hard/fast it starts to vibrate hard for a few seconds repeatedly until I turn it off. Then it works fine on restarting it until pushed again. Any thoughts?

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On 7 October 2016 at 11:34 PM, Tim Koffler said:

I bought an Xtreme several weeks ago and have noticed when I climb hills or ride hard/fast it starts to vibrate hard for a few seconds repeatedly until I turn it off. Then it works fine on restarting it until pushed again. Any thoughts?

I take it you do mean it vibrates even when standing still, I.e. It isn't the sort of thing a faulty bearing might result in?

Solowheels are one of the only wheels that use vibration as a warning alarm, as opposed to beeping. So it sounds like, as @MoNo has suggested that the wheel is going into alarm mode due to a fault. Three things seem likely, @mono has covered 2 overheating or overloading (too high a current) the other is under voltage, if you have a poor cell then the high current demanded when going fast/climbing could drag the voltage of one or more cells down.

I don't know Solowheel very well (too expensive for their specification in my book :-)) but if there is an App that connects to the wheel then that should be capable of telling which of the fault conditions is occurring?

Also, how heavy are you and how hot is it where you are riding, Solowheels are not particularly fast so, if the battery is fairly full, it ought to take a very heavy rider or very steep hill or very hot climate to upset them?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I went to the new Solowheel store in Seattle and they educated me on the vibrating I was experiencing.  When the battery gets low and is placed under greater stress (riding faster, going uphill, etc) the vibration is a warning that too much power is being pulled from the battery too quickly. (or something like that).   You just need to turn it off and back on to stop the vibration.

Love my Xtreme!

20160923_174021 small.jpg

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