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How do you store your EUC when not riding it?


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I was curious how people store there unicycle at night.  I cut the box my Msuper came in all the way down to the foam at the bottom and use that as a stand.  It works perfectly and the wheel sits there and doesnot need to be leaning against anything. Now with my V3 coming soon I don't plan on cutting the box so I'm curious what people use if you even use anything?

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6 hours ago, NebuKiniza said:

I just lean mine on a wall in my room, granted it's a cheap generic one

Me too but I'm slowly running out of the free walls or any other vertical surfaces to lean the wheels against ... ;) 

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11 hours ago, Mistagear said:


Had to build a cupboard , they were starting to take over the house, I prefer to call it a "garage" lol


Very nice! I would build one in an instant but then I would need to build myself a dog house to live in?

I bought 2 of these on ebay. A bit pricey. They collape down for easy transport.https://www.ebay.com/itm/172291315041



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17 hours ago, TremF said:

I have those too. I have found they only work for 14-inch wheels. 16-inch wheels (at least mine) don't fit. But I love them for 14-inch wheels.

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3 minutes ago, MaxLinux said:

I have those too. I have found they only work for 14-inch wheels. 16-inch wheels (at least mine) don't fit. But I love them for 14-inch wheels.

But then your 16" is equipped with fats.

Well, one fat anyway...

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6 hours ago, MaxLinux said:

I have those too. I have found they only work for 14-inch wheels. 16-inch wheels (at least mine) don't fit. But I love them for 14-inch wheels.

Initially they were a little tight on my ACM but I pulled them apart slightly and now the ACM wheel slots in nicely. I have to pull it off when I go to use the ACM though but, still, good little stands

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2 hours ago, WheelRunner said:

All of these options sound good, but thought I'd add my two cents  FWIW:

I've been using an AmazonBasics guitar stand for both of my wheels (16" & 18") and find they work well (they fold down nice too).


Screen Shot 2016-10-01 at 11.42.43 PM.png

Perfecto! I just purchase one from Amazon. These look similar to the ones I purchased but those were 3x more expensive. You could label these 'EUC Stand'  and begin selling them for a profit.

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5 hours ago, Boxer Rebellion said:

my up-cycling ideas...:)





You need to put some electric through the bars and then connect your pedals to the battery...

The EUC self-charging stand! 

You can have that idea for free (just credit me on all future sales).

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8 hours ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

You need to put some electric through the bars and then connect your pedals to the battery...

The EUC self-charging stand! 

You can have that idea for free (just credit me on all future sales).

@TheFatUnicyclist, that self-charging EUC is a great idea, I'd bet someone will take this idea  also. I got one better and Bigger vision


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