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Southern California Chapter Ride this Sunday, October 2nd 2016

Marty Backe

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Come join the Southern California Chapter of Electric Unicyclists for a Sunday morning ride around the Griffith Park mountains. This is road riding (minus the cars), not trail riding.

We will be meeting in the small parkinging lot just north of the Greek Theater, leaving for the Observatory at ~9am.

Post here or send me a message if you will be coming for the ride and need any further directions.

See you then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@jrkline and myself took to the hills for a few hours. We rode up to the water tank, over to the Hollywood Sign, down to the Hollywood residential area, back up to the top, and then returned via the back roads. About 27 miles total.

Part of the purpose of this ride for me was to test my new KS14C for overheating, and indeed it did overheat a few times on the steep dirt path inclines. After a few minutes rest I was always able to continue. I consider these extreme conditions: 90+ degree temperatures plus steep dirt trails.

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