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gotway app need translation

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"选择设备" = "Select Device";
"主页" = "Home";
"设置" = "Setting";
"我们" = "About Us";
"关闭" = "Close";
"模式设置" = "Mode Selecting";
"报警设置" = "Alarm Setting";
"翘板速度设置" = "Tilt Up Foot Step Speed Set";
"校准设置" = "Calibration setting";
"劲爆模式" = "Powerful Mode";
"舒适模式" = "Comfortable Mode";
"柔和模式" = "Soft Mode";
"关闭一级报警" = "Close First Alarm";
"关闭二级报警" = "Close Second Alarm";
"打开所有报警" = "Open Alarm";
"关闭翘板" = "Close Tilt Up Foot Step";
"打开翘板" = "Open Foot Step";
"水平校准" = "Level Correct";
"已设置为劲爆模式" = "It's set to shocking model";
"已设置为舒适模式" = "It's set to comfort model";
"已设置为柔和模式" = "It's set to soft model";
"已关闭一级报警" = "It closed an alarm";
"已关闭二级报警" = "It closed two alarms";
"已打开所有报警" = "Open all alarms";
"已关闭翘板" = "Close rocker";
"已打开翘板" = "Open rocker";
"进入水平校准" = "Enter the horizontal alignment";
"已连接%@\n是否断开?" = "Connected%@\ndisconnected";
"取消" = "Cancel";
"断开" = "Disconnect";
"请开启蓝牙" = "Please turn on Bluetooth";
"连接" = "Connecting";
"扫描中..." = "Scanning";
"连接%@" = "Connecting%@";
"连接超时" = "Connecting timed out";
"未连接蓝牙设备" = "Not connected Bluetooth device";
"已呼叫" = "Called";
"初始化中..." = "Initializing";
"蓝牙正在重置" = "Bluetooth is reset";
"当前设备不支持蓝牙4.0" = "Current device does not support Bluetooth4.0";
"当前设备未授权" = "The current device isn't authorized";
"未打开蓝牙,请在设置中打开" = "Bluetooth isn't open,please open in the settings";
"蓝牙已开启" = "Bluetooth is turned on";
"连接%@成功!" = "%@ Connected successfully!";
"连接%@失败!" = "%@ Connected failed!";
"断开与%@的连接" = "Disconnect the %@";
"车子正在运行,暂时不能发送指令!" = "The car is running, temporarily cannot send instructions!";
"打开"="Turn On";
"关闭"="Turn Off";
"翘板速度设置成功"="Tilt Back Speed";

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