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turning left and turning right - feeling differently for a beginner


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Today I took another half hour of riding on the KS S16 Pro in the playground (day 5). I noticed that when going in a circle to the left around the playground, I can just stand up straight and feel relaxed and easily make smooth turns, but doing it the right way around, then I feel I need to twist the uni all the time and one of my legs is bent all the time. Is that normal?

Aside from that I've practised free mounting. I put on the pads on the right side to keep my foot and leg in place, but on the left (non dominant side), every time I want to place my foot on the left pedal, I just hit the bump of the pad pad that is supposed to give stability to the back of my leg. Without the left top pad, I can most of the time free-mount on grass.
I reckon I just need to get more balance practice, so I can swing my leg around a bit further.

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If you are a beginner it is har to tell. BUT...

If your pedals are dipping forward when you turn in one direction, and dipping backwards when turning the other direction, you need to do a calibration.
Use the Kingsong app and follow the instructions, and make sure to hold the wheel totally level during calibration not only forward/back, but also level sideways.

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euczero, good catch on the calibration tell-tale !!!  i found this on my euc a few weeks ago and got some levels to help in the calibration process.

Setonix,  im finding turning left on my lynx abit awkward, but then i started practicing turn left ALOT....so much so that now my turning left is as good as turning right.  you just have to put in more time on the side that you have more difficulty turning into.   same went with seated riding... my seated left turn was awkward till i started practicing it alot as well... if you can find a practice site that has simple obstacles like parking meters,  you can also practice slow zig-zags which really helps with machine control too.

keep riding and dont stop practicing !!!  and try to place more attention on any weak points in your riding skills...

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