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Gotway mcm v3 experience

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2 hours ago, Marcos75 said:

What is the Maximum Speed?  Yesterday i was 31 kmh fast. But i think i can get faster?

- are you referring to app Speed or real Speed? Gotway is known to Show in the App 3-5 kmh more than real...

- With 31kmh your are very near to faceplant....i would guess this is "app Speed"....WhatEver: I would only recommend going that high if your are over 60% Batterie!

The less Batterie...the less high Speed....the less reserve the wheel has...

You should experience "tilt-back" at end of max Speed (i dont know if you can put this Alarm to "off"...better dont do it)....if you go further and try to get over the tilt-back....there Comes the Point when the wheel just Shut Off without warning and you are going to fly

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Thanks for your answer. It is app Speed.  Do you man with tilt back the Pedals? I dont have this function on my wheel. The Pedals dont move back when i reach any Speed Limit like on my airwheel x3. But I can turn on (last Alarm at 28 kmh) or off the Speed Alarm on the gw14 mcm v3.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have same wheel and found out I have Green bluetooth chip, which apparently has connection issues. I have tried iphones, nothing. Last night tried Galaxy Note 4, bluetooth sees the GW, connect, but I can't change anything, message Lost connection.

what app you use and where did you dowloaded from? what phone?, thanks.

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