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Wow, a Proper Real Hoverboard!

Jason McNeil

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Found this on Gizmag: http://www.gizmag.com/franky-zapata-flyboard-air-video/42734/

What's damned impressive is the flight time/speed, 10 minutes vs 30 secs for the Jetpack & a death defying 150kph. 
It seems highly improbable for any air/levitation to ultimately to become commercially viable due to energy intensity of fighting gravity, but hey, 50year ago the Wheel seemed like pure fantasy...



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If only there was a compact turbofan available. You would get about 30-60 mins flight time, these ones use single stage turbojets that have low efficiency. 


The hoverboard does look safer in some ways, it seems to have 4 turbines in the centre, it can probably land even if a turbine fails. While the JP-9 will crash with a single engine failure.

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