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Seattle/Bellevue WA KingSong 16X + Goodies - $1200

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Can you please show a few photos of KS16X? Why selling? Purchased from which seller? How long have you had it? Only 350 miles, why a new road tire? Thanks! I may be interested.

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I can take some photos when I get home but there is nothing really unusual about it in any way, photo wise.

I'm selling it simply because I don't need it - I have three other wheels and I haven't ridden it in months. I've had it maybe a year and a half. I got it because I thought I had convinced a friend to take up EUC and wanted to have it on hand for him because it's hard to find good used wheels. It has a new tire because the person I bought it from put it on - it's a tire that wears much more slowly than the stock tire and I think that's why he put it on there.

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  • Kurtosis changed the title to Seattle/Bellevue WA KingSong 16X - $1200
  • Kurtosis changed the title to Seattle/Bellevue WA KingSong 16X + Goodies - $1200

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