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Sherman-S 3600wh: 100V, 20", suspension, 97lb

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Did my first group ride with the Sherman S last night.  Seth came out to San Diego and rode with us.  Super super cool guy and a very skilled rider.  

In the past I've struggled a little to keep up with the group when cruising speeds got high.  Not so much because of speed, but because group rides are on unfamiliar bumpy roads.

This wheel completely changed that.  I was able to confidently fly over some pretty knarly potholes.  This wheel has made me a better rider.  I thanked Seth because his video helped me pull the trigger on the purchase.IMG_20230114_064630_307.thumb.jpg.5b6c3a7230c8ac73318454ec37be95c8.jpg

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30 minutes ago, wstuart said:

In the past I've struggled a little to keep up with the group when cruising speeds got high.  Not so much because of speed, but because group rides are on unfamiliar bumpy roads.

Cool story.

So now to keep up on a group ride, a rider new to the group needs suspension to keep up. Probably performance, range, and headroom don't hurt either. So we are talking about 95+ lbs suspension wheels?

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1 minute ago, Paul A said:

Would the 'Speed Limit 174.0 mph' be the free spin?

Nope, the 174mph just describes the speed limit setting in the wheel, not how fast it actually spins.


In the Sherman S settings you can set the speed tilt-back limiter anywhere from 12mph to 40mph in like 6mph increments.  The last option is to set it to 174mph...... which is just a weird way to say "off"

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29 minutes ago, wstuart said:

One of the other riders was beating me and did the whole 25 mile ride on an rs19.  He was a relatively new but talented rider.  The main difference between me and the rs19 rider was not skill or experience, but rather risk-aversion.  He was in his 20s and willing to push.  I'm 39 with a 4 year old girl.  I would like to still participate but with less risk.  Especially with my 240lb riding weight

I've done similar rides with this same group and kept up with my MSPHT and my v11, but I was pushing those wheels, had a couple "pucker" moments.... and my knees hurt the next day.  

The Sherman S made it so the whole ride was a relaxed comfortable experience - a first for me on a group ride, especially on a dark foggy night.  

It was also nice being able to hang with a Master going up hills and still have 82% battery at the end of the ride.

....... it you're on the fence..... buy this wheel

Thanks for that.

These 100+ lbs wheels are going to sell. All the fun and comfort, but with a lot less risk, and worries.

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14 minutes ago, Paulyd75 said:

 Grizzla pad set up. I do get some discomfort from the upper suspension on my upper shins. I’m 6’ 4”. 


I had some pretty significant pain from that part as well but after a week it stopped being an issue, then I bought the side cushions and upgraded seat and it was a whole new wheel 

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31 minutes ago, Paulyd75 said:

Grizzla pad set up. I do get some discomfort from the upper suspension on my upper shins. I’m 6’ 4”. 

Jump-Blocks EUC - custom power-pads, search that website, Frankie makes good pads. I am waiting for model for sherman-S there. I seem to always preach about em nowadays but they just let you feel free, yet keep you in the wheel. Let you jump too obviously but.. These are the best money you spend on pads, and only contact will be above you shoe. Did I mention you can change any shoe and this devil is adjustable.. Just too good.

I have not yet find anyone disappointed to em, well as long as you attach em proper that is. In some way they are minimalistic, as they dont look big and bulky compared to other pads. I love how they let me feel like riding the wheel free of restriction or pressure. 

(*edit. some wheels you can attach em with screws, or by replacing screws that exist that is. Just wondering if Sherman-S model will do the same.. edit2: You can also get Nylonove pedals from same store and add em to your order.)

Edited by Tasku
*edit edit2
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7 hours ago, techyiam said:

Cool story.

So now to keep up on a group ride, a rider new to the group needs suspension to keep up. Probably performance, range, and headroom don't hurt either. So we are talking about 95+ lbs suspension wheels?

If you are asking "does everyone need to own a Sherman S?" then the answer is definitely YES!  Everyone needs this wheel, I bought it because it was just too perfect a match to "the wheel I want to own" for me to not buy it.  I had been considering buying a Sherman Max, but then this wheel came out and I understood what it was making me hesitate on the Sherman Max.

This isn't the first suspension wheel to be released, but it is the first suspension wheel to be released that I actually wanted to buy.

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15 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

If the group doesn't adjust to the slowest riders, i.e. at least waiting at some point for them to catch up then it's not much of a group and not worth riding with.

Yeah, they should wait for your to catch up, but do you want to be that rider that can't keep up so that others have to keep waiting for you to catch up?  Personally, I'd much rather be able to keep up with the group so that no one needs to wait for me - the Sherman S should be the right tool for that job for almost any group that you would be riding with.

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26 minutes ago, KiwiMark said:

This isn't the first suspension wheel to be released, but it is the first suspension wheel to be released that I actually wanted to buy.

It appears the manufacturers got it right for many riders, especially for the US market.

There is a sizable market for these 95+ lbs. electric suspension wheels after all.

For you, it happened to be the Sherman-S, for another it could be the V13, and for Marty, it happened to be the Master Pro.

It looks like Kingsong is missing out in this class.


15 minutes ago, KiwiMark said:

the Sherman S should be the right tool for that job for almost any group that you would be riding with.

But for how long.


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54 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

If the group doesn't adjust to the slowest riders, i.e. at least waiting at some point for them to catch up then it's not much of a group and not worth riding with.

True.  Another approach is too let people know up front that the ride will be at higher speeds.  The local organizers in my area let people know in the ride description that 84v wheels and/or 1800wh wheels won't be able to do the ride. 

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3 minutes ago, wstuart said:

True.  Another approach is too let people know up front that the ride will be at higher speeds.  The local organizers in my area let people know in the ride description that 84v wheels and/or 1800wh wheels won't be able to do the ride. 

There you go. The group rides are going to drive the market. 

Plus, there are always people who would like to be in the front of the group. So, if the manufacturers make a better faster wheel, someone us going to get it, and others will follow suit.

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I received word from Bradley that my batch 2 should be here earlier than expected. Late Jan. at the earliest and mid Feb. at the latest. :D I was prepared to wait until March but I'm certainly happy that it's coming soon.

Edited by Clem604
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58 minutes ago, Clem604 said:

I  got word from Bradley that my batch 2 should be here earlier than expected. Late Jan. at the earliest and mid Feb. at the latest. :DI was prepared to wait until March but I'm certainly happy that it's coming soon.

The charge port cover flaps from a top hinge so if you forget to close it, it will at least flap shut. And improved bearings apparently. 

I hated soft mode, really like medium mode. Haven’t tried hard mode yet. 

I did crash today. My fault. Got some wobbles and ate it. Was being a bit to aggressive because it felt so great. 

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1 hour ago, Clem604 said:

I  got word from Bradley that my batch 2 should be here earlier than expected. Late Jan. at the earliest and mid Feb. at the latest. :DI was prepared to wait until March but I'm certainly happy that it's coming soon.

Is this really what you originally wanted? 

The idea of getting later batch wheel is for the earlier batch wheels to be received by the owners and used, issues surface and identified, and be fixed at production then shipped. But all this takes time.

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54 minutes ago, techyiam said:

Is this really what you originally wanted? 

The idea of getting later batch wheel is for the earlier batch wheels to be received by the owners and used, issues surface and identified, and be fixed at production then shipped. But all this takes time.

I first saw the Sherman S in the person in October of 2022 and I was so impressed with it I was going to order a batch 1 and live with the possible issues. Then remembered that I live in Vancouver and the weather is typically pretty shit this time of year so I wouldn't be riding it much. I also wanted a bit of extra time to make sure all my mods for the wheel (Grizzla pads, Michelin tire, aftermarket pedals) have arrived before the wheel and they have, save for the Nylonove pedals that haven't been released yet. Newer bearings, a new charge port flap, and possibly revised pedals sounds pretty good and if they revise other things in the future I will be able to get them from Eevees when they are released to dealers. So far from all the reviews I've seen and the testimonials from Sherman S owners here on the forum help put my mind at ease, especially when the wheel costs as much as it does.

Edited by Clem604
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