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Sherman-S 3600wh: 100V, 20", suspension, 97lb

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14 minutes ago, Clem604 said:

I just got back from the longest ride I've ever done.

Me too.

But only 62 km's.

My top speed was probably about 58.6 km/h because of tiltback. If I go higher, it will be equivalent to disabling the feature. I am going to leave the tiltback in place for now.

I went over the Iron Workers Memorial Bridge. The expansion joints were 10x better those on the Burrard bridge.

I rode some of the Demonstration Forest pathway. Very smooth road.

Bike paths in North Vancouver seemed better thought out and newer.

Range on the Abrams is good enough for me for now.

I felt fine after the ride.

I may have to attempt a longer ride.

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One thing I noticed yesterday is that after a few days since charging the wheel, I turned it on to go for a ride and it was at 94%, I had charged it to 100% since my previous ride. This suggests that there are some active things draining a small amount when the wheel isn't used (I don't think my Begode RS does this). Not really a problem and 94% battery was plenty for a nice Sunday ride, but it is something to be aware of if you go for several weeks without riding in winter or whatever.

I'm now over 1,250km on my wheel and still no bearing issues or any other issues for that matter. I have my SKF bearings in a cupboard ready to go if I need them, but I don't know if they will end up being needed or not.

On my ride yesterday I tested out my new pedestrian warning device - a Soundcore Motion Boom + :wub:, what an amazing device it is! I saw pedestrians turn around to see me approaching when I was still well over 50 metres away (more than 150' for the Americans here). It really outperformed my JBL Charge 5 by quite some margin, and only twice as big & twice as heavy too. :lol:

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I just use the scream of my stock knobby to get people to jump out of the way 😂

I purchased the aleixpress pedals off a local dude for a great price, I'll be installing them today but unfortunately it's rain for the next 5 days in San Diego so I don't get to enjoy them. From what I can tell just holding them the quality is superb. Very well made and machined, I don't know why anyone would pay $100+ more dollars for the "name brand" stuff

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2 hours ago, MrMonoWheel said:

I just use the scream of my stock knobby to get people to jump out of the way 😂

I find the stock tyre on the Sherman S is better than the RS for making some noise that pedestrians may hear, but still not nearly reliable enough. Also - I want cyclists to hear me approaching too. Around here on the shared paths it is pretty common to have people cycling side-by-side taking up the whole path, pedestrians also do the same thing - walking side-by-side taking up the whole path. If they don't know anyone is coming up behind them then they don't make room for them to pass. The only way I can ride without yelling out or blaring an loud horn is to ride listening to music . . . at a high volume! I've created a folder filled with the most appropriate music for this purpose - bass-heavy techno. I enjoy the music and it is rare for someone to not hear me approaching. 

I have yet to have someone want to overtake me, maybe that says something about how I ride my Sherman S. Bicycles are pretty slow unless going downhill and I'm still faster. Scooters are slower except for a few very high performance ones, they are not that common. On my last ride there were a couple of one-wheels, they look fun but are a lot slower than almost any EUC. While riding I regularly overtake pedestrians & cyclists (bike or e-bike) and occasionally an e-scooter. I also come across the occasional group of cyclists to overtake.

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1 hour ago, wstuart said:

You're welcome!

I just crossed 600 miles (aka 1000km). 


I'm at around 670 miles. But I'm getting off-balance feeling on my wheel, riding under 30 mph.  I'm thinking it has to do with 40 PSI or the stock knobby tires with me at a higher center of gravity.

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I guess what some would consider a downside of the Michelin PS2 is that it rolls dead silent and the loudest thing about the wheel is the whirring of the motor. I like it completely silent but that does mean I have to yell "on your left" more often than not. It's funny when I roll up behind cyclists and pace them from behind only to have them be spooked when they eventually look behind them 😄

Edited by Clem604
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15 hours ago, KiwiMark said:

The only way I can ride without yelling out or blaring an loud horn is to ride listening to music . . . at a high volume! I've created a folder filled with the most appropriate music for this purpose - bass-heavy techno. I enjoy the music

How do you think all other people you ever ride closer than 100 feet feel about you blasting your techno to them? I would personally be quite pissed at you.

 Have you ever thought about how faster cyclists get by without blasting techno to everyone around them? Maybe there’s something to learn about their techniques?

 All EUCs are faster than an average cyclist, so it’s not like the problem is unique to you. Yet most riders understand to be considerate enough not to blast their music to everyone around them. How in the earth do they manage??

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3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

Have you ever thought about how faster cyclists get by without blasting techno to everyone around them? Maybe there’s something to learn about their techniques?

Most times I hear them laboring to breath, or they have a bell, or their crank makes a lot of noise. When I rode bikes I just went around and said 'on your left', plenty of people got spooked. It's why I moved to the music.


3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

How do you think all other people you ever ride closer than 100 feet feel about you blasting your techno to them?

I guess if you get mad at me for the 10 seconds I go past you I can manage.

3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

Yet most riders understand to be considerate enough

I find it more considerate to have the music playing, but to each their own. It's just sound. I generally play what the trip calls for. If there are a lot of kids I play PG-13 music.


We have had this same problem in our group where some people say they don't like it. We did a poll and about 90% either enjoy the music, or think personal music is ok.

Edited by JeremySPFF
Adding that I dont just play super loud tekno.
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4 hours ago, mrelwood said:


How do you think all other people you ever ride closer than 100 feet feel about you blasting your techno to them? I would personally be quite pissed at you.

 Have you ever thought about how faster cyclists get by without blasting techno to everyone around them? Maybe there’s something to learn about their techniques?

 All EUCs are faster than an average cyclist, so it’s not like the problem is unique to you. Yet most riders understand to be considerate enough not to blast their music to everyone around them. How in the earth do they manage??

I blast my techno music and bright LED lights to match. Yes, it is rude. To me it is a trade off for being a few seconds of annoyance vs unexpected consequences. Walkers, Runners and Cyclists are not enjoying the sound of nature, most are blasting their earplugs. EUCs are new, the populace cannot predict what we can do. At the same time, I wave or thank them, going at a slow passing speed. I don't want a surprise jump into me. So far, zero incidents with over 12k miles.

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3 hours ago, JeremySPFF said:

It's just sound.

Yes. All the time. For everybody. Why doesn’t every member in traffic do that? Maybe cars should start blasting the horn all the time so that cyclists would have more time to get out of their way?

38 minutes ago, DragonFZ said:

Yes, it is rude.


38 minutes ago, DragonFZ said:

Walkers, Runners and Cyclists are not enjoying the sound of nature, most are blasting their earplugs.

And you are making sure that the test get blasted with your music. It’s not up to you to decide what they listen to.

38 minutes ago, DragonFZ said:

EUCs are new, the populace cannot predict what we can do.

If they are wondering where you are going, they have already seen you and don’t need music to go along with it.

38 minutes ago, DragonFZ said:

So far, zero incidents with over 12k miles.

I never play music while riding, and I’ve only had one minor bump (no damages) in over 20k miles. A pedestrian tried to jump to the other side of the road before I reached her. She did hear me coming but didn’t look to see how far I was. If I had been blasting music, that single incident might not have happened, but I would’ve annoyed thousands of people with my riding. Not worth it.

 If you can’t ride safely without blasting music, there’s something seriously wrong with how you ride. We really don’t need the public to see us as rude, noisy, selfish and entitled guys who act like they own the whole road. Or the whole block in this case. And even if you don’t care how the public sees EUCs, you can still be considerate to others.

Edited by mrelwood
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3 hours ago, JeremySPFF said:

We did a poll and about 90% either enjoy the music, or think personal music is ok.

So not even everybody in your group thinks it’s ok. Guess what a public poll amongst pedestrians and bicyclists would say.


2 hours ago, Crab said:

I just play classic rock, no one seems to mind…

 While I applaud your choice of music much more than the other guys’, are you really expecting for the ones who do mind to catch up with you and teach you how to act in public?

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17 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

I never play music while riding, and I’ve only had one minor bump (no damages) in over 20k miles. A pedestrian tried to jump to the other side of the road before I reached her. She did hear me coming but didn’t look to see how far I was. If I had been blasting music, that single incident might not have happened, but I would’ve annoyed thousands of people with my riding. Not worth it.

 If you can’t ride safely without blasting music, there’s something seriously wrong with how you ride. We really don’t need the public to see us as rude, noisy, selfish and entitled guys who act like they own the whole road. Or the whole block in this case. And even if you don’t care how the public sees EUCs, you can still be considerate to others.

Great... your method works for you. My method works for me. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing in Texas... LOL

It might be a regional thing.

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On 8/23/2022 at 11:14 AM, Greg X said:

with 40kg it is 19" wheel, larger diameter would be heavier. 

BTW - sherman-S has excellent ratio: weight/battery between all suspension euc's

+3kg to s22/master and +50% battery.

-7kg to ex20s with same battery

Bcs. of this ratio it has big chance to be very popular, like old sherman now.


But much depends also on price... If Shermax cost 3800, this one can cost..... 4500-5000 :(

S22 = 35kg, ShermanS = 44kg.. wheres your excelent ratio?

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Can't we all just agreed to disagree 😅? I don't like riding with music personally but I don't mind those who do, at least I know something is creeping up behind me. Either way it's better than the honk sound that my V11 plays that scares the shit out of everyone.

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32 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

My experience is that bell on finger startles people, they get scared and behave unpredictable, with music people notice me more naturally and the interactions are way better, also a lot more smiles and cheering when they see what is causing the noise.

Not to mention it’s really easy to turn the volume down once they are aware I’m approaching, and it’s not really that loud anyways.

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