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What is up with Airwheel?

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12 hours ago, danadane(nottherapper) said:

Does anyone know what is going on with Airwheel?  I have just visited there UK and USA online stores and the X8 is mysteriously gone?  Secondly, the prices of all the rest to there EU are cut in half?  I hope it is not what I am thinking!

It's old gen stuff. They need to bring new devices and clean their stock in front of HK fair.

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Do you have a news collection app? Try searching 'electric unicycle' in news, even Google news, you will find airwheel will have the most, if only, advertisement (press releases) in the market...some times almost everyday...now that's marketing for you, even if it is not the best product on the market...

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I have learned on a Q5. For that it is a good wheel.

It was very cheap on ebay (price is increased now) compared to the other brands (if 500+ € considered "cheap").

But, i have learned my lesson. If you are heavy (over 90kg) the motor and the 170Wh battery isn´t enough.
After the trainingsphase i want to go uphill and the wheel cut the power. This was my only hurting experience :-)

So my next wheel have more power and bigger battery and a 4figures pricetag.

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32 minutes ago, Sonopanic said:

I have learned on a Q5. For that it is a good wheel.

It was very cheap on ebay (price is increased now) compared to the other brands (if 500+ € considered "cheap").

But, i have learned my lesson. If you are heavy (over 90kg) the motor and the 170Wh battery isn´t enough.
After the trainingsphase i want to go uphill and the wheel cut the power. This was my only hurting experience :-)

So my next wheel have more power and bigger battery and a 4figures pricetag.

Good idea.

The Airwheels are not bad at all for learning and light weight people. Technology is first generation but reliable and cheap. Going ahead with an Airwheel is just a question of requirements and your weight.

If distances like 30+ km or slopes or weights above 70 kg are an issue than other brands fit better. 

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The airwheel Q3 and X8 are very reliable but have severe limitations for a heavy person. With a person of 110kg, it will not go up a 15 degree hill, it will go up a 6 degree hill very slowly. Forget about accelerating fast that will result in a faceplant, and range is poor about 6km for a 170wu battery, best battery available 340wu will offer a 12km range.  So poor range, poor power, but very reliable, and the shell is very strong, it is great for learning or short distance on mostly flat roads. So overall it is not bad if you know it's limitations, for a light person it is much better.also a bump on the road of about 4cm high could result in a faceplant for a heavy person.

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